Freedom of Information

British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) enables the public to request and obtain copies of records held by all provincial governmental public bodies when those records are not routinely available.

Requests for Information under FIPPA

If you would like to request records from the Burnaby Board of Education, and those records are not routinely available through a respective department or on the district’s website, you can make a formal request for records through the FIPPA by sending an email to

Section 71(1) of the Act states certain records must be available to the public without a request for access. Those records can be found here.

Directory of Personal Information Banks

One of the important ways in which the district seeks to ensure appropriate accountability, transparency, and protection of personal information is to make available an inventory or directory of the different collections of personal information (or personal information banks) that it maintains.

The development of a personal information directory (PID) by the district is addressed in Section 69(6) of FIPPA, which provides for the creation by the district of a PID listing all collections of personal information (referred to as “personal information banks”) it maintains. A PID is also to include certain specific information about each personal information bank maintained by the district. More information on the district’s PID can be found here.

Any questions about the collection of personal information or the contents of this PID and all requests for access to information should be directed to Mr. Khunguray. Further information about how the district collects, uses, and discloses personal information can be found in district Policy 4.00: Collection, Management, Security of and Access to Information Records that is available on the district website at: Security-of-and-Access-to-Information-Records.pdf.