Indigenous Education in Burnaby Schools



    1. First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) – Learning First Peoples
    2. The Clam Garden Network
    3. The Great Bear Sea
    4. The Big Rock Story, Museum of Campbell River
    5. My Seasonal Rounds
    6. Secwepemculew Land of the Shuswap
    7. Gladys We Never Knew, BCTF
    8. Project of Heart, BCTF
    9. They Came for the Children, Truth and Reconciliation Commision of Canada
    10. Tlingit Moon and Tide
    11. First Nations Traditional Foods Fact Sheets
    12. Sky Stories:  A First Nations Journey Teacher’s Resource
    13. Science First Peoples, K-9, FNESC
    14. Indian Residential Schools, FNESC
    15. NFB Indigenous Films
    16. Our Home On Native Land Map
    17. Huyat:  Virtual Tour Heiltsuk