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Pink Shirt Day: Everyone Belongs
Students across the District have been participating in Pink Shirt Day activities that promote kindness, respect for one another, and celebrate diversity. For example, children at Brentwood Park Elementary […]Continue Reading
Embracing Joie De Vivre and Learning with a French Connection
Each year, French Immersion schools in the District get into the spirit of Carnaval. The Québec winter festival is one of the oldest and largest in the world and […]Continue Reading
A Journey Through Time: Exploring Black History Month
Children and youth across the District are recognizing Black History Month this February. There are a variety of activities to learn about the proud heritage of the Black community, […]Continue Reading
Learning About Culture and Celebrating Lunar New Year
Students across the District have been celebrating Lunar New Year while sharing culture, exploring traditions, and showcasing their learning. At Forest Grove Elementary, home of the District’s Mandarin Language […]Continue Reading
Student Planning for the 2025-26 School Year
Registration Register beginning in February (in advance of the next school year) if your student: is starting Kindergarten next Fall will be new (all grades) to the District next Fall All registrations […]Continue Reading
Growing Green: Students Dig Connection with the Environment
Learning about sustainability and building connection with the environment is part of students’ educational journeys across the District. What follows are some recent examples. Groups of students from both […]Continue Reading
All Schools Open
All schools in the District are OPEN. The decision to send your child to school or not is ultimately a family one. If for any reason you feel that […]Continue Reading
More than Words: Connection and Story
Storytelling is a powerful way to engage students in learning throughout the year and is one of the many ways in which the school community connects. While literacy is […]Continue Reading
How to Know: Weather-related School Closures
We want to remind you about how the Burnaby School District shares weather-related school closures. How are decisions made? All schools will remain OPEN unless there is heavy […]Continue Reading
Elementary Student Inspires School to Help People on Downtown Eastside
Since she was seven years old, Keanna Lai has been doing what she can to help people experiencing homelessness on the Downtown Eastside. Most recently, the Grade 7 student […]Continue Reading
Thousands Across BC Join District-Hosted Black Excellence Day Event
Thousands of students from 17 school districts joined a province-wide Black Excellence Day event that was planned and hosted by the District, with sponsorship from the Ninandotoo Society – […]Continue Reading
Students Win Nationally and Locally
Students throughout the District have been earning recognition for their talents and skills. What follows are some recent examples. Capitol Hill Elementary students took the top spot in their […]Continue Reading
Engagement Toward a New Strategic Plan: Town Hall
A virtual Town Hall was held live for families and Burnaby School District staff, as part of the engagement supporting the development of an updated Strategic Plan for the […]Continue Reading
District and City of Burnaby Exploring Future Management of Michael J Fox Theatre
Following discussions with the Burnaby School District, the City of Burnaby is considering the possibility of taking an active role in the management and operations of the Michael J […]Continue Reading
Administration Offices & Schools: Closures for the Holidays
The Burnaby School District Administration Office will be closed on Monday, December 23 for winter break. The office will reopen on Monday, January 6 to regular office hours of 8:30am […]Continue Reading
Students Share Seasonal Magic with Gift of Giving
Students across the District have been spreading holiday joy and caring for the community through a variety of ways. Children at Aubrey Elementary donated money to the BC SPCA […]Continue Reading
Three Schools are Finalists for National Music Honours
Students from the Burnaby School District are finalists in five categories in a prestigious national music contest. Children from Capitol Hill Elementary are finalists in three categories, with their […]Continue Reading
Four High Schools Moving to Five-Block Day
In order to accommodate more students within existing space, half of the high schools in the Burnaby School District will be making changes to the school day for the […]Continue Reading
Illuminating Connection Through Culture and Community
School communities come together in many ways to share culture, build connection and enhance the learning experience. What follows are some of the recent activities across the District. A […]Continue Reading
Fresh Learning in the Great Outdoors
Students throughout the District are learning about sustainability, exploring outdoors and building connection with the environment. Students of all ages at Nelson Elementary planted Indigenous trees. They worked as […]Continue Reading
Student and Staff Accomplishments Recognized
The talents and contributions of people in the Burnaby Schools community have been earning special recognition. Below are some examples. Moscrop Secondary Math teacher Stephanie Langille won the Ivan […]Continue Reading
Falling into Autumn with Learning and Traditions
Fall traditions offer opportunities for students to connect, learn and build community. What follows are some examples from across the District. A tradition since 2001, Moscrop Secondary held Cornfest […]Continue Reading
Your Healthy Digital Life Poster Series
Printable Posters It Doesn’t Own You: Your Healthy Digital Life Digital Literacy: Five Things You Need to Know Digital Citizenship: Five Things You Need to Know Learn More Helping […]Continue Reading
Fraser Health Message: Avian Flu
Out of an abundance of caution, Fraser Health has sent school districts in the region a letter about the teenager who has tested presumptively positive for avian influenza. Please […]Continue Reading
Provincial Election and Student Learning
Many classrooms used the provincial election as a chance to discuss Canada’s democratic system and issues in the community. All candidates in the local riding where Burnaby South Secondary […]Continue Reading
Governor General’s Academic Medal Recipients for 2023-24 Announced
The Governor General’s Academic Medal recipients for the 2023-24 school year were announced and celebrated at the October meeting of the Burnaby Board of Education. Recognizing the outstanding scholastic […]Continue Reading
Halloween Excitement and Learning
Students of all ages have been getting into the excitement of Halloween, with everything from pumpkin patches on school grounds to themed projects and delving into Applied Design, Skills […]Continue Reading
Deaf Awareness Flags Flown for First Time at Schools
Students and staff at the District-administered BC Provincial School for the Deaf (BCSD) kicked off the International Week of Deaf People with flag raising ceremonies. It was the first […]Continue Reading
Measuring Progress: A Report on How We’re Doing
As the Burnaby School District heads into the final stretch of its five-year strategic plan, a new report was released on progress made across the District. The Burnaby Board […]Continue Reading
Reflection and Action Toward Reconciliation
Truth and Reconciliation Week in September is a powerful opportunity for remembering the impact of the residential school system and coming together in the spirit of hope, Truth and […]Continue Reading
Two More Burnaby Schools Getting Additions
Alpha Secondary and Nelson Elementary are in neighbourhoods that have been growing rapidly and the schools have just been approved for additions. The Ministry of Education and Child Care […]Continue Reading
Updated Restrictions for Cell Phones and Digital Devices
Restrictions to students’ use of digital devices, including cell phones have been added to the Code of Conduct for the Burnaby School District. The additional language in the Code […]Continue Reading
Students Returning to News of Upgraded Larger Schools
Students and staff at Cameron Elementary are returning this fall to exciting news that they will be getting a new school building. This follows an announcement by the Ministry […]Continue Reading
StrongStart Registration is Open
REGISTRATION IS OPEN – for children who are not yet school age – for the StrongStart Program, which marks a joyful beginning of their experience in the Burnaby School District. […]Continue Reading
Helping Families Navigate Digital Life
As part of a strategy launched earlier this year supporting students with digital skills and wellness, the District held four information evenings for families. More than 350 people came […]Continue Reading
Unique Experiences Support Students Who are New to Canada
Much work is underway across the District to support children, youth, and their families who are new to Canada. The District’s Settlement Workers in Schools or SWIS program offers […]Continue Reading
Students Win Pride Bookmark Contest
Two students learned during Pride Month that they are the winners of a District-wide bookmark contest celebrating diversity, equity and inclusion. The contest invited children and youth to enter […]Continue Reading
Congratulations to the Class of 2024
After having had their first year of high school coincide with the start of the pandemic, this year’s graduates are finding ways to end secondary school joyfully. Students have […]Continue Reading
Graduates Smash Recent Records Earning Millions in Scholarships
The Class of 2024 has earned $10.8 million in scholarships and counting, smashing recent records. In total, they’ve been offered millions more than any other graduating class in over […]Continue Reading
Honouring National Indigenous History Month
Many classes across the District had an extra focus on Indigenous Education this month, such as at Windsor Elementary where children worked with Gord Dick from the Tsleil-Waututh and […]Continue Reading
National Indigenous History Month and Beyond
June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada. It’s a time to honour the stories, achievements and resilience of Indigenous Peoples. Throughout the year, opportunities for learning and empowering […]Continue Reading
Bridging Understanding and Celebrating Diversity
There are a variety of educational opportunities throughout the school year to celebrate diversity, inclusion and kindness. When students feel represented, welcomed, supported, respected, and safe, they are more […]Continue Reading
Forward Together: AccessAbility Week
A number of learning activities for both students and staff are putting a spotlight on accessibility and inclusion for all. For example, at Brentwood Park Elementary, a Grade 6/7 […]Continue Reading
Response to Harmful Exam
The Burnaby School District is taking immediate action after learning about an elementary social studies exam used by a classroom teacher. One of the questions on the test for […]Continue Reading
Students Win Big at Skills Competitions
Burnaby Schools students were big winners at recent regional, provincial, national and international competitions in everything from drama to robotics. Scroll down to read about the many recent accomplishments […]Continue Reading
Students Help Peers with Tax Clinic
A group of Grade 11 and 12 volunteers at Burnaby Mountain Secondary organized a free income tax clinic to help fellow students with their personal income tax returns. The […]Continue Reading
Student Art Elevated and Displayed at Public Galleries
The creations of student artists are on display in three separate public exhibitions professionally installed at both the Burnaby Art Gallery and Vancouver’s Roundhouse. Each were officially opened with […]Continue Reading
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Showcase Draws Record Numbers
A record number of Deaf and Hard of Hearing students from across the province came together for an event in Burnaby, where they shared their talents, competed, and connected […]Continue Reading
Building Community and Knowledge Through Indigenous Teachings
Across the District, students are connecting to Indigenous culture in a variety of ways. What follows are some recent examples. Students at Westridge Elementary created artwork under the guidance […]Continue Reading
Learning About Cultures and the Strength in Our Differences
A chance to explore one another’s perspectives, experiences and cultures provides students with deeper connections to the world around them. What follows are some of the recent activities and […]Continue Reading
Another Step Forward Toward a New Elementary School
The Ministry of Education and Child Care has announced its support for planning of a new Brentwood Town Centre-East elementary school, following a needs submission made by the Burnaby […]Continue Reading
Partnership with Burnaby Now Creates Opportunity for Students
Twenty-one elementary classrooms from across the Burnaby School District had the chance to participate in a unique project called Design an Ad. In partnership with the Burnaby Now, the […]Continue Reading
Supporting Students with Skills for a Healthy Digital Life
While today’s students have grown up with technology, the knowledge and skills to navigate it safely and in a useful way don’t necessarily come naturally. A new awareness campaign, […]Continue Reading
Talented Students Spotlighted in Competition
A student-led talent show returned to the stage for the first time since the pandemic began. Burnaby’s Got Talent is a long-standing tradition in the District that is organized […]Continue Reading
Student Growth in the Bears’ Lair
Students at Montecito Elementary got to dive into the “Bears’ Lair” thanks to a partnership with a parent at the school who is part of a television program of the […]Continue Reading
Preparing the 2024-25 Operating Budget
Work is underway toward preparing the 2024-25 operating budget. Each year, as part of the process, feedback is invited and welcomed. Information about how to participate and share your […]Continue Reading
New Superintendent Welcomed
As Karim Hachlaf officially began in the Burnaby School District as Superintendent, one of the first things he did was go to every workstation in the administration office and […]Continue Reading
Provincial, National and International Honours
The talents and contributions of people across the District are getting noticed provincially, nationally and even internationally. Below are some examples. Cyber Security Students Earn Top Honours in Canada […]Continue Reading
Opportunities for Powerful Connections with the Environment
Students across the District have been connecting with the environment, learning about sustainability and ways to support ecosystems. What follows are just some examples. Scroll down for additional photos. […]Continue Reading
Fostering a Culture of Inclusion and Kindness
Burnaby Schools strive to create inclusive, welcoming environments for all students. There are initiatives and activities throughout the year that explore the strength in our differences and the richness […]Continue Reading
Celebrating Black History Month and Beyond
February is Black History Month. A variety of learning activities are taking place across the District this month and beyond. What follows are some examples of students exploring Black […]Continue Reading
Goodbye and Hello Burnaby North Secondary
An opening celebration was held this month at Burnaby North Secondary with special guests, including the Minister of Education and Child Care. Burnaby Board of Education Chair Bill Brassington […]Continue Reading
French Students Shine Bright on Provincial Stage
Secondary students from two Burnaby schools took top honours in a provincial French-speaking contest called Dites-le en vidéo, or in English: Say It on Video. Six Moscrop Secondary Grade […]Continue Reading
Celebrating Lunar New Year and Sharing Culture
Students have been exploring culture, showcasing their learnings and celebrating Lunar New Year in a variety of ways across the District. Preparations for a school-wide celebration are well underway […]Continue Reading
Student Voice Elevated at District-led Black Excellence Day Event
The voices of students are at the centre of an event hosted and led by the Burnaby School District that will celebrate Black Excellence with thousands of people from […]Continue Reading
Breaking Down Barriers: New Plan Toward Greater Accessibility
Our schools are for everyone. We’ve completed an Accessibility Plan as part of our work toward making the District’s learning and working environments inclusive and accessible places for all. […]Continue Reading
Board Announces New Superintendent
Following a national search, the Burnaby Board of Education is pleased to announce the appointment of Karim Hachlaf to the position of Superintendent, effective April 1, 2024. Board Chair […]Continue Reading
Layered with Meaning: Powerful Coast Salish Weave
A Coast Salish weaving created by Qwenot Angela George from the Tsleil-Waututh and Sts’ailes Nations captures the learning journey, as well as the stories of both the Burnaby School […]Continue Reading
Students Win in National Music Contest
Two Burnaby Schools classroom ensembles have received national recognition for their music skills. Capitol Hill Elementary has earned third place in their category in the competition and Second Street […]Continue Reading
Two Elementary School Expansions Coming to North Burnaby
Students at Kitchener and Brentwood Park Elementary schools will soon have new additions, following capital requests by the District and funding announcements made by the Provincial Government. The Minister […]Continue Reading
Students Build ECE Career Paths While Meeting Community Need
Practicums are underway for high school students in the Early Childhood Education Assistant program. The Burnaby School District-created program allows students to earn their BC Early Childhood Education Assistant […]Continue Reading
Spreading Holiday Joy and Caring for the Community
Schools are getting into the spirit of the season in many ways. Student performances and projects that focus on the gift of giving are abundant. What follows are just […]Continue Reading
Celebrating the Strengths in our Differences and Working to Dismantle Racism
As part of our ongoing learning journey and work to create a better path forward together, we’re taking steps toward a more inclusive environment for all. Celebrating Culture and […]Continue Reading
Supporting Newcomers with Connection and Learning
Much work is underway across the District to support children and their families who are new to Canada. Immigrant Parents as Literacy Supporters An eight-week program to help immigrant […]Continue Reading
Invitation to Apply to Become a Public Member for the District Audit Sub-committee
The Burnaby School District is seeking one community member with financial expertise and business knowledge to serve on the District Audit Sub-Committee. The Committee is comprised of three trustees […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Teacher Wins Premier’s Award for Excellence in Education
A Grade 2 teacher from University Highlands Elementary has earned a Premier’s Award for Excellence in Education in the category of Social Equity & Diversity. Kristina Carley is the […]Continue Reading
Two Burnaby Schools are Finalists for National Music Honours
Capitol Hill Elementary and Second Street Community School have made the finals in a prestigious national music contest. Hundreds of teachers and thousands of students from coast-to-coast submitted entries […]Continue Reading
First District-Run Preschool Opens
These children are part of a historic moment in the Burnaby School District. Last month marked a first, when the Just B4 Preschool opened at Chaffey-Burke Elementary. While our […]Continue Reading
Honouring Culture: Coast Salish House Post Unveiled at Ceremony
Tsleil-Waututh Nation community members led a ceremony in celebration of the journey to create a Coast Salish house post. The carving was made by Master Carver Xwalacktun Rick Harry […]Continue Reading
A Snapshot of How We’re Doing
The Burnaby School District has released a report capturing new progress toward the Burnaby Board of Education’s priorities outlined in their Strategic Plan. Received by Trustees, the report includes […]Continue Reading
Governor General Award Winners Announced
The eight recipients of the Governor General’s Academic Medal for the 2022-23 school year were celebrated at the Burnaby Board of Education meeting in October. The Governor General’s Academic […]Continue Reading
Indigenous Students Design T-shirts Honouring Reconciliation
Two students from Lakeview Elementary had their designs chosen for district-wide t-shirts honouring Reconciliation. The designs were revealed during Truth and Reconciliation Week in advance of Orange Shirt Day […]Continue Reading
Superintendent Announces Upcoming Retirement
Superintendent Gina Niccoli-Moen has provided notice to the Burnaby Board of Education of her intent to retire. While her last day in the office will be January 31, 2024, […]Continue Reading
School Spirit and Halloween Fun
As the excitement builds for Halloween, there are a variety of opportunities for students of all ages to enjoy the spirit of the season. A group of high school […]Continue Reading
Statement from the Board, BTA, and CUPE 379
The Burnaby Board of Education, the Burnaby Teachers’ Association, and CUPE Local 379 are jointly releasing the following statement.Continue Reading
StrongStart Registration is Open 2023-24
Registration is open – for children who are not yet school age – for the StrongStart Program, which marks a joyful beginning of their experience in the Burnaby School […]Continue Reading
Beyond the Climate Strike: Students Supporting the Planet
The Burnaby School District is deeply committed to sustainability and is proud of the leadership role that students are taking on this pressing global issue. While we’re supportive of […]Continue Reading
New District-Wide Plan for the Future of School Buildings
The Burnaby Board of Education unanimously approved a new Long-Range Facilities Plan that continues to place students at the centre of future plans for school buildings. The multi-year plan […]Continue Reading
Student Campaigns Contribute to the Community
There are many outstanding examples of students making a difference in the community, such as Aubrey Elementary, where they raised almost $4,000 for the Burnaby Hospital Foundation. Burnaby Mountain’s […]Continue Reading
Celebrating With Pride in Who You Are
Across the District, there are a variety of opportunities throughout the school year to celebrate diversity, inclusion and kindness. When students feel represented, welcome, supported, respected, and safe, they […]Continue Reading
Graduates Celebrate Millions in Scholarship Wins
The Class of 2023 has collectively earned more than $7 million in scholarships and still counting. The impressive total includes everything from full rides to small awards. Several of […]Continue Reading
Showcasing Students’ Artistic Talents
Appreciative audiences have enjoyed the many live performances showcasing students’ talents. A variety of opportunities in the arts at the elementary and secondary levels are available across the District. […]Continue Reading
Honouring the Class of 2023
All eight high schools held graduation ceremonies at Simon Fraser University on top of Burnaby Mountain. Grade 12 students walked through the picturesque setting to join the awaiting crowd. […]Continue Reading
Up for the Challenge: Students’ Sustainability Projects
Four student-initiated proposals to improve sustainability have been selected for funding in the first-ever Climate Project Challenge, put on in partnership by the District’s student-led Burnaby Youth Sustainability Network, […]Continue Reading
Students’ Post-Secondary Horizons Ignited in Black Futures Program
More than 30 students from all eight of our high schools were involved in a program for Black youth designed to support post-secondary decisions and opportunities. The University of British […]Continue Reading
Beyond National Indigenous History Month
In addition to the ongoing work happening across the District, many schools are having an extra focus on Indigenous learning throughout National Indigenous History Month. Led by Elder Doctor […]Continue Reading
Students Building A Better Tomorrow Through Art
A professionally installed exhibition of art by high school students with diverse abilities and disabilities is being featured by a gallery in New Westminster for the public to enjoy. […]Continue Reading
Students’ Tech Skills, Awards, Creativity and Teamwork
Across the District there are many examples of students leveraging technology, getting creative, sharing their skills with one another and even winning awards. Below are just some examples of […]Continue Reading
Cultural Traditions and Practices Honoured
From classroom explorations to celebrating special occasions in assemblies, there are many opportunities across the District to honour how diversity strengthens our communities. Sikh Heritage Month and Vaisakhi Brantford […]Continue Reading
Student Exhibitions On Display at Burnaby Art Gallery
The Burnaby Art Gallery is spotlighting the talents of students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 with two public exhibitions running from May 5 to June 4. “Magnitude of Enclosures” […]Continue Reading
Students Win at Science and Skills Canada Competitions
High school students from across the District showcased their knowledge and skills at recent regional and provincial competitions. Many earned medals and several qualified to compete at upcoming national […]Continue Reading
Student Presenters Shine: Many Earn Top Honours
There are several opportunities across the District for students to share their presentation skills, including a communication contest by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, public speaking competitions in […]Continue Reading
Being Prepared: School Safety During Critical Incidents
While the likelihood of threatening situations in our schools is extremely low, having a plan and knowing what to do in an emergency helps to protect students and staff […]Continue Reading
Learning Through a Japanese Cultural Exchange
Students from Moscrop Secondary and Byrne Creek Community School had the trip of a lifetime when they traveled to Japan over Spring Break. The one-week, all expenses paid exchange […]Continue Reading
Sharing Culture and Celebrating Expressions of Who We Are
Learning first-hand about one another’s perspectives, experiences and cultures provides students with deeper connections to the world around them. What follows is a recent snapshot of just some of […]Continue Reading
Design an Ad: A Student Career Exploration Opportunity
More than 1000 students from 40 classes at 20 schools participated in a project called Design an Ad. It’s a career exploration opportunity for elementary students to try their […]Continue Reading
2023-24 Operating Budget: Board Invites Input
The Burnaby Board of Education is seeking community input as Trustees work to develop priorities for the 2023-24 operating budget. A public meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 12 […]Continue Reading
Students Show Care for People Globally and Locally
Several schools rallied to support people following the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria. A group of 24 students in Grades 2-5 at Brentwood Park Elementary raised more than […]Continue Reading
Approved Three-Year School Calendar 2023-26
Following a period of public input, the Burnaby Board of Education adopted and approved — at its regular meeting on February 28, 2023 — the following Three-Year District Calendar […]Continue Reading
School Staff Win Prestigious Cycling Award for Promoting Healthy Transport
The staff cycling team at Moscrop Secondary is the winner of the School Cycling Advocates Award from HUB Cycling. The team has shown their commitment year-over-year to promoting cycling […]Continue Reading
New Sports Clinic Added as Programs of Choice Earn Recognition
As the District adds more student choice to offerings in and out of the classroom, existing programs are in the spotlight for their high quality. Burnaby Schools has dozens […]Continue Reading
City and School District Determine Site for New School in Brentwood Neighbourhood
Working together to meet the needs of a growing community, the City of Burnaby and the Burnaby School District have identified a site for a new school in the […]Continue Reading
Sustainability: Student Awards and Leadership
A number of students have recently been recognized for their leadership in sustainability. Supporting the environment and furthering connection to the outdoors are actively supported across the District, as […]Continue Reading
Celebrating and Reflecting During Black History Month
This February, students are participating in a variety of activities and events to celebrate Black History Month – including sharing stories of success, sacrifice, resilience, triumph and community. District-wide […]Continue Reading
Your Voice: Our Facilities of the Future
In order to best meet future educational needs, we’re preparing for what tomorrow’s students will need in schools. As part of our long-range planning, the Burnaby Board of Education […]Continue Reading
Communicable Diseases Information for Schools
You can find current information from the Burnaby School District as well as curated resources on our website using the links below. In this ever-changing situation, we are committed […]Continue Reading
Pink Shirt Day: Learning and Action
Pink Shirt Day is one of several recognition days throughout the school year that are opportunities for powerful moments of conversation, learning and action. The day, which takes place […]Continue Reading
How to Participate in the Long-Range Facility Plan Survey
The Burnaby School District is preparing a new Long-Range Facility Plan. We’re seeking feedback from families, students, staff and the wider community in Burnaby, as plans are developed for […]Continue Reading
Hope and Action for Reconciliation
The entire school community at Nelson Elementary has come together to create a Healing Forest: a lasting project that focuses on learning about reconciliation, the land, and hope for […]Continue Reading
Students Presenting at Black Excellence Day Event for Thousands
Youth and staff from the Burnaby School District are among the organizers and speakers of the second annual Black Excellence Day, which is being hosted by the District and […]Continue Reading
We’re Burnaby’s Favourite Place to Learn a New Skill
We’re honoured to have been chosen by the citizens of Burnaby as the number one place in the city to learn a new skill. Each year as part of […]Continue Reading
Feedback Opportunity: Proposed Three-Year Calendar 2023-2026
The Burnaby School District is welcoming feedback and comments until February 10, 2023, about the proposed three-year calendar for the school years 2023-24 through 2025-26. The calendar sets out […]Continue Reading
Elementary Language Program Information Sessions
Families of elementary students are invited to attend these information sessions to learn about language programs. FRENCH IMMERSION Thursday, January 23 at 6:30pm – at Alpha Secondary Read About […]Continue Reading
We won! Canadian Music Challenge
Two Burnaby Schools are winners in a national music contest involving thousands of students from coast-to-coast. Capitol Hill and Marlborough Elementary schools took the top prize in their categories, […]Continue Reading
Celebrating Black Excellence Beyond Black History Month
More than 100 Black youth and allies celebrated Black excellence at a kick-off event in October designed to create opportunities to come together beyond Black History Month and Black […]Continue Reading
Newly Elected Board of Education Sworn In
Congratulations to our district’s school trustees, who were officially sworn in at the inaugural board meeting for their term on Tuesday, November 22. The welcome and opening were generously […]Continue Reading
Soccer Fever in Burnaby Schools
With the World Cup underway, there is excitement across the District as schools cheer on Team Canada and former Burnaby Central Secondary student and national team player Alphonso Davies. […]Continue Reading
Four Schools are Finalists in National Music Contest
In a competition involving thousands of students from across Canada, four schools from the District have made the finals. Collectively, they have seven song entries that have made the […]Continue Reading
How We’re Doing: A Report
At their final Board Meeting before the municipal elections, Trustees received a report on progress made over the last school year toward the priorities, goals, and objectives in the […]Continue Reading
Stress and Students: Supporting Mental Wellness
As students settle into the new year, schools are refreshing their focus on mental wellness. A new campaign, led by the District’s Safe and Caring Schools Team, is looking […]Continue Reading
Fall into Sports
There is much excitement for student-athletes in Burnaby with fall sports well underway. Elementary cross-country meets are back on for the first time since the pandemic, marking the first […]Continue Reading
Halloween Fun and Learning
Students are getting into the Halloween spirit with fun and learning activities from artwork and pumpkin carving contests to costume days. Halloween is also an opportunity for conversations about […]Continue Reading
Governor General’s Academic Medal Recipients for the 2021-22 School Year
The Governor General’s Academic Medal recognizes the outstanding scholastic achievements of high school students who graduated with the highest average in their secondary school. Here are the extraordinary eight […]Continue Reading
Truth and Reconciliation Week
As part of our ongoing journey of reconciliation, there are many activities and learnings throughout the year in classrooms across the District. Orange Shirt Day and Truth and Reconciliation […]Continue Reading
District Co-hosts Major Child Care Announcement
The child care centre at Cascade Heights Elementary was the site of a major announcement by the provincial and federal governments about fee reductions for infant and toddler care. […]Continue Reading
Air Quality Advisory
Burnaby is included in the special air quality statement issued by Environment Canada, due to concentrations of fine particulate matter caused by smoke from wildfires in BC and Washington […]Continue Reading
Next Steps Coming: Action on Racism
As we continue our journey and work to create a better path forward together, recommendations on how to address racism within the Burnaby School District will be delivered to […]Continue Reading
Seismic Improvements Providing Upgrades
Seaforth and Parkcrest Elementary students and staff started the new school year with seismic improvements and upgrades to their buildings. Final aspects of the work continues, including the grounds. […]Continue Reading
Reconciliation Crosswalk Installed Just in Time for Back to School
As students at Westridge Elementary are heading back to school, they get to walk across the newly completed Reconciliation crosswalk. The first of its kind in Burnaby, the idea […]Continue Reading
Parkcrest, a Prime Minister, and Big Dreams
Students in Brenda Montagano’s class started the school year with some inspiration from an alumna and a lesson in pursuing your dreams, as former Parkcrest Elementary student Liz Truss […]Continue Reading
Helping Ukrainian Children Get Ready for School in Burnaby
Teachers have been volunteering their time throughout the summer to help Ukrainian newcomers practice their English and get ready for school in Burnaby. Dozens of children whose families fled […]Continue Reading
Anti-Racism Lead Nominated for Premier’s Award for Work in District
The District Principal of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is a finalist for a Premier’s Award for Excellence in Education. Beth Applewhite has been leading anti-racism work in the District […]Continue Reading
Graduates Awarded Millions in Scholarships
The Class of 2022 has earned a collective $6.8 million in scholarships and bursaries. From smaller to larger awards, every dollar helps students achieve their post-secondary dreams. Many graduates […]Continue Reading
Schools Raise Pride Flag for the First Time
Schools celebrated Pride this month in many ways with more than a dozen schools raising the flag for the first time. The colours of pride served as a symbol […]Continue Reading
No School Monday September 19
As per the decision of the Government of BC, the province will follow the lead of the federal government and join with other provinces in observing the national day […]Continue Reading
Celebrating the Class of 2022
In-person graduation traditions returned to the delight of Grade 12s and their families, who were able to come together and celebrate the collective achievements of the Class of 2022. […]Continue Reading
Environmental Award and the Abundance of School Gardens
With the planting season well underway, school gardens have been a source of learning and a rich way for students to connect with the environment and build awareness of […]Continue Reading
Student-led Efforts: First Reconciliation Crosswalk in City of Burnaby
The District and City of Burnaby came together in partnership to support the efforts of Grade 6/7 students at Westridge Elementary, who came up with the idea to put […]Continue Reading
National Indigenous History Month
Many classrooms across the District had an extra focus on Indigenous learning in the lead up to National Indigenous Peoples Day and throughout National Indigenous History Month. A group […]Continue Reading
Raising Diverse Student Voices and Opportunities
There have been several recent initiatives providing students with opportunities to share their voices and come together to create a better future for everyone. Cross Cultural Symposium on Anti-Racism […]Continue Reading
Pride Flag Raised in Advance of IDAHAT Celebration
The colours of pride are flying above the Burnaby School District Administration Office for the first time. The flag serves as a visual symbol of our commitment to celebrating […]Continue Reading
Upcoming Civic Election to Showcase Student Art
Student art is making its way into the upcoming civic election. Six youth had their entries chosen in a City of Burnaby art contest to wrap mail ballot boxes. […]Continue Reading
Help for Refugees Dealing with Trauma
As a staggering number of refugees continue to flee Ukraine, the District’s Settlement Workers in Schools – or SWIS workers – are ready to help children and families who […]Continue Reading
Honouring the Planet
Throughout the District, students are making powerful connections to the environment on Earth Day and beyond. Earth Day Several classes took time on Earth Day to consider their own […]Continue Reading
40th Anniversary of Partnership Elevating Student Art
The artistic creations of high school students from the District are showing exclusively on both floors of the Burnaby Art Gallery from April 29 until June 5 with two […]Continue Reading
Honouring Community Traditions and Practices
Throughout the year, there are many opportunities in schools across the District to celebrate culture, traditions, and how diversity strengthens our communities. From classroom explorations to honouring special occasions […]Continue Reading
Professional Art Exhibit Showcases Work of Students with Diverse Abilities
Students at Burnaby North Secondary are getting ready for the first ever cross-district art exhibit for youth with diverse needs. The professionally installed exhibition, Building a Better Tomorrow Through […]Continue Reading
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Pride Showcased at Event
A District-administered provincial program hosted the inaugural Deaf and Hard of Hearing Proud Showcase this month with 80 students from across BC. The event, for Kindergarten to Grade 12s, […]Continue Reading
Students Raise Funds to Support Community
Throughout the District, students are leading fundraising campaigns and building awareness of important issues and initiatives. From vaccine equity and cancer research to helping combat homelessness and supporting reconciliation, […]Continue Reading
The Growth of Summer Session
Interest in Summer Session has hit an all-time high, with a record number of more than 5000 single-day registrations on April 12. With so many people wanting to take […]Continue Reading
Learning Through Indigenous Teachings
Students and school staff are connecting to Indigenous culture in a variety of ways. Below are some of the many examples of projects across the District. A group of […]Continue Reading
Partnership Programs Find a Way
Community connection and partnerships strengthen the experience for students. With the pandemic, many programs have found creative ways to continue in alignment with health and safety guidelines. Meet baby […]Continue Reading
2022-23 Operating Budget: Board Invites Input
The Burnaby Board of Education is seeking community input as Trustees work to develop priorities for the 2022-23 operating budget. A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, April […]Continue Reading
Empowering Opportunities for Students
One of the opportunities the Burnaby School District strives to give students each year is career exploration – a chance to try something new and see if it sparks […]Continue Reading
Sport Triumphs & Provincial Champs
They Win Again The crowd went wild as the Burnaby South Rebels senior boys basketball team battled and won against Semiahmoo – taking the top spot in the 4A […]Continue Reading
Supporting Kids: Difficult Global Issues
With the invasion of Ukraine, this past week has been an especially difficult one. Young children and teenagers may experience a range of emotions when they hear about and […]Continue Reading
We Mean Green: The Plan
The Burnaby School District has its first-ever Sustainability Strategic Plan. It sets out goals, objectives, and actions to mobilize our efforts to: increase our climate action response, and further […]Continue Reading
Supporting Sustainable Choices
As we seek opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint, the District is supporting school communities to do the same. One of the ways we’re doing so is by installing […]Continue Reading
Indigenous Carving Project Supports Learning and Community
The entire school community at Taylor Park Elementary is involved in a new project under the guidance of Indigenous artist Simon James, whose ancestral name is Winadzi. He is from the Kwakwaka’wakw Nation. James is also working […]Continue Reading
Pink Shirt Day: Lifting Each Other Up
Every year students across the District participate in Pink Shirt Day activities. The day began more than a decade ago as an awareness campaign about homophobic bullying. This year’s […]Continue Reading
Honouring and Learning About Black History
February is Black History Month and students are participating in a variety of ways throughout the District. Learning opportunities include celebrating Black achievements, stories, art, people, joy, history and […]Continue Reading
Students Show Heart: Supporting Others This Valentine’s Day
There are several initiatives underway in schools where Burnaby students are using Valentine’s Day to show their love of community by helping people who need it the most. Supporting […]Continue Reading
Travel Quarantine Periods and Students’ Return to School
The following information is provided by public health and compiled by the Burnaby School District for your easy reference. Families planning to travel or who have returned from international […]Continue Reading
What to do if You Test Positive for COVID-19
The following information is provided by public health and compiled by the Burnaby School District for your easy reference. More information can be found here: As public health […]Continue Reading
District Hosting Black Excellence Day for Thousands
More than 6,000 people from school communities throughout BC are coming together virtually for the first-ever Black Excellence Day, and the Burnaby School District is honoured to host the […]Continue Reading
Schools Closed to Students Due to Weather
Due to weather conditions, schools are closed to students – including the limited number of students who’ve been in school buildings this week: children with diverse abilities and students […]Continue Reading
Functional Closure: What it Looks Like in Burnaby Schools
Schools reflect what is happening in the community and – as Superintendent Gina Niccoli-Moen shared in her message to families on December 31 – there is a possibility that, […]Continue Reading
Two Second Place Wins in National Music Contest
Burnaby Schools have taken the second place prizes in their categories for the Canadian Music Class Challenge. Congratulations to Glenwood Elementary and Second Street Community School students whose videos […]Continue Reading
Supporting Flood Relief and Helping Others
Students and staff are raising funds and collecting goods for people affected by the recent flooding in BC, as well as helping those in need even closer to home […]Continue Reading
Stream of Dreams and Environmental Learnings
Buckingham Elementary and Stoney Creek Community School are the latest two Burnaby Schools to install colourful hand-painted images of fish on their fences, as part of their Stream of […]Continue Reading
Student Apprentices Win Awards for Work in Trades
More than two dozen students from the District have earned the Ministry of Education’s Youth in Trades Award. The 27 students, who have now graduated, were awarded $1000 each […]Continue Reading
Student Return from Winter Break Following Delay
Superintendent Gina Niccoli-Moen shared important information about the delayed return from Winter Break to school for students in a message to all families sent on December 31, 2021. You […]Continue Reading
Honouring Indigenous Culture with Lasting Art
The carving of a Welcome Post is underway at Burnaby North Secondary, under the guidance of Master Carver and Squamish Nation Elder Xwalacktun. When complete, the transformed piece of […]Continue Reading
Students Celebrate World Kindness Day
The efforts of a Kindergarten class connected to World Kindness Day were spread far and wide, when a video of their infectious dance of joy went practically viral. The […]Continue Reading
Several Schools in Final for National Music Contest
Every year, tens of thousands of students in music classes from across Canada sign up for the CBC Music Challenge. This year, several Burnaby Schools were selected as finalists […]Continue Reading
Board Will Not Require COVID-19 Vaccination for District Staff
Statement from the Burnaby Board of Education After careful consideration of information provided by public health and discussions with partner groups, the Burnaby Board of Education has decided not […]Continue Reading
Governor General’s Academic Medal Recipients for the 2020-21 School Year
The Burnaby Board of Education recognized the 2020/21 recipients of the Governor General’s Academic Medal at their meeting on October 26. For nearly 150 years, the Governor General’s Awards […]Continue Reading
School Volunteer Receives Local Hero Award
The City of Burnaby has presented Rory Tennant with a Local Hero Award for his work in elementary schools. Rory began volunteering in the District in1997 by reading with […]Continue Reading
Planning for Future Needs: Proposed Sale of Former School Site
In order to best meet future educational needs, the Burnaby School District regularly plans for what tomorrow’s students will need. As part of our long-range planning, the Burnaby Board […]Continue Reading
Fun with Fundraising: The Gift that Gives Back
Collectively, schools across the District raise money for cancer research with their annual Terry Fox Runs in early Fall. In recent weeks, students at several schools got to enjoy […]Continue Reading
A Joyful Return to School Sports
There have been many smiles on the faces of student athletes in Burnaby with school sports back on. Athletic directors at the high schools and district staff collaborated to […]Continue Reading
Gearing up for Halloween with School Spirit
Tis the season for all things pumpkin, as students across the District get ready for Halloween with many activities that enhance school spirit and are just plain fun. The […]Continue Reading
Ventilation in Burnaby Schools
Ventilation systems throughout the Burnaby School District are designed, operated and maintained to Occupational Health and Safety and WorkSafeBC standards. Wherever possible, we are meeting or exceeding recommended ventilation […]Continue Reading
Taking Shape: New Burnaby North Secondary
Much progress has been made on construction of the new Burnaby North Secondary. The busy worksite is right next to the existing school, which will be torn down when […]Continue Reading
Students Recognized in “20 Under 20” List
Secondary and elementary students in the Burnaby School District are receiving recognition from a local news outlet for their leadership and contributions to the Burnaby community. The Burnaby Beacon’s […]Continue Reading
Learning During Pandemic Inspires Student to Publish Books
While many people have ramped up enjoyment of their streaming services during the pandemic, Keyaan Vegdani has used the time without his typical activities to publish four books – […]Continue Reading
Strengthening Layers of Protection in the Burnaby School District
Statement from the Burnaby Board of Education Following a unanimous decision at a Special Board Meeting this morning, the Burnaby Board of Education is amending mask wearing requirements to […]Continue Reading
Honouring Truth and Reconciliation Week
With Orange Shirt Day and the inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, school communities throughout the District are coming together in many ways to build understanding and awareness. […]Continue Reading
Public Health School-Related Updates
The latest information on COVID-19 and health and safety in schools can be found on our website here. Below you’ll find links to news releases and other updates from […]Continue Reading
The Beauty of Outdoor Learning: New Mural
With school communities throughout the District embracing the benefits of learning outside, Kitchener Elementary started the school year with a new mural for their outdoor learning space. The massive […]Continue Reading
Your Feedback: Improving Student Opportunities
With surveys going out to families the week of September 27, the District is asking for 5 minutes of your time to help us get your thoughts on the […]Continue Reading
Welcome Back and Looking Back
School communities are welcoming students to the 2021-22 school year, which officially began on September 7. This welcome back video also takes a look back in gratitude for everything […]Continue Reading
School Start-up
Superintendent Gina Niccoli-Moen shared important information about the upcoming school year, including about health and safety measures, in a letter sent to families. More information can be found by […]Continue Reading
Celebrating the Class of 2021 in a Pandemic
Students, families and school staff are working together to make high school graduation celebrations as special as possible, as the pandemic has impacted typical commencement and grad celebrations for […]Continue Reading
Grads Earn Millions in Scholarships
Many graduates in the Class of 2021 capped off this unusual school year with some good news: a scholarship award. Collectively, they’ve been awarded an impressive $7 million – and […]Continue Reading
Lasting Art Project Brings Community Together
A fence art project at Second Street Community School brought people together in a time where access to school buildings was restricted, with the pandemic having changed how families […]Continue Reading
Students and Staff Shine: Awards and Competitions
Several students and staff finished off the school year receiving recognition for their talents and contributions. Below are some examples from throughout the District. The City of Burnaby’s 2021 […]Continue Reading
Students Support Learners a World Away
At the instigation of an international student at Burnaby Central Secondary, a group of students collected almost 1200 used books to send to children who are learning English overseas. […]Continue Reading
Sights and Sounds: Indigenous Culture and Teachings
Several schools unveiled Indigenous art and other projects in June that were created over many months in the spirit of reconciliation. The projects provide students and the broader school […]Continue Reading
New Child Care Spaces in Burnaby Schools
As we continue to support families by increasing access to child care on District property, we are moving forward with the creation of 160 new spaces for families at […]Continue Reading
We’ve Got Pride
This month marks 10 years since the Burnaby Board of Education passed the District’s Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity policy – making it one of the early leaders to do so. […]Continue Reading
Words Writing Project 2020-21
Hot off the press, the 2020-21 Words anthology, Words in Action, is in the hands of 100 published student authors and their families. You will also find it in […]Continue Reading
Mental Health Work: Provincial Recognition and Supporting Wellness
Students, school and District staff are sharing how to support mental wellness – as the pandemic has highlighted that now and perhaps more than ever, we need to look […]Continue Reading
Honouring the Children Found at Tk’emlúps Indian Residential School
In difficult times, it’s important to come together, lift each other up and continue the healing journey. In honour of the 215 Indigenous children found at the former Tk’emlúps […]Continue Reading
Extreme Hot Weather
The last day of school on June 29 will take place as originally planned. Schools are continuing to reach out to families directly if events previously scheduled for June […]Continue Reading
Students Show Care for the Community and Each Other
Students and school staff throughout the District are finding ways to support the community and each other. What follows are some of the many recent examples of initiatives at […]Continue Reading
Dismantling Racism – Invitation to Engagement Process
As the District continues its journey to support an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment for all, we are reaching out to students, their families, staff and community partners to […]Continue Reading
Virtual Event Supports LGBTQ+ Community
More than 100 students and other guests attended a virtual celebration in honour of the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia. In a year where seeing family, friends – […]Continue Reading
District Responding with Action to Harmful Exam Question in Online Class
The Superintendent of the Burnaby School District is taking action, after learning about a question used on an exam for an online Grade 9 Social Studies test. The question […]Continue Reading
Asian Heritage Month: Honouring, Celebrating and Taking Action
Throughout the country, Asian Heritage Month is recognized in May. When the declaration was made in 2002, the Government of Canada spoke about how it would be a time […]Continue Reading
Students Win National and International Science Fairs
Secondary students from the Burnaby School District represented BC and Canada at Science Fairs in May and won. National Silver Medal Grade 12 student Wendy Fang was awarded silver […]Continue Reading
How to Participate in the Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion Survey
The Burnaby School District is committed to: anti-racism, equity and inclusion, and engaging with students, staff, families and community partners with care and compassion to ensure participants feel welcome, […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Festival of Dance: The Show Must Go On
After its cancellation last year during the early stages of the pandemic, a creative approach allowed for the District’s annual Burnaby Festival of Dance to go on this month. […]Continue Reading
Students Publish Powerful Art Spotlighting Social Justice
Grade 11 and 12 students had their art featured in an online publication intended to spark reflection on what it means to be left behind or treated as being […]Continue Reading
Student Art Showcased at Burnaby Art Gallery
The work of student artists from Kindergarten to Grade 12 is on display at the Burnaby Art Gallery as part of two exhibitions. The inspiration for both was taken […]Continue Reading
Students Raise Awareness of Sustainability
High school students who are part of the Burnaby Youth Sustainability Network (BYSN) led a three-part speaker series to raise awareness of environmental issues and how we can all […]Continue Reading
Awards and Recognition for Staff and Program
We have exceptional talent in our District and are proud of the dedication and commitment of employees; we’re pleased to share recent recognition and awards staff have received. Travel […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Students Heading to National and International Science Fairs
Secondary students received high honours for their projects, with multiple awards at the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair, and three students moving on to prestigious national and international science […]Continue Reading
How a Student Kindness Campaign Touched a Family
At Buckingham Elementary School, students learned first-hand about the significance of demonstrating empathy and kindness to others. The class sent hand-made cards and letters to show residents at a […]Continue Reading
Immense Interest in Summer School
Registration day involved record interest in summer session for elementary students this year, with nearly 2200 people signing up in the first 10 minutes, alone. Many families are choosing […]Continue Reading
The Growth of Outdoor Learning
Across the District, outdoor learning has been on the rise. In addition to the health benefits and fresh air while outside, students have been exploring Indigenous principles and feelings […]Continue Reading
Annual Student Communication Contests Reimagined During the Pandemic
Students normally come together at big events like the annual Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the Grade 7 Public Speaking Challenge. This year, due […]Continue Reading
New School Announced for Elementary Students at Stride Avenue
The BC Government announced funding for a new seismically safe building set to replace the existing Stride Avenue Community School. Construction is expected to begin in 2023, with completion […]Continue Reading
Secondary Yearbook Honoured in North American Competition
Burnaby North Secondary’s 2019-2020 yearbook entitled “Curiosity” captured one of the first-place titles in an annual North American-wide competition, earning the top scoring honour of First Place with Special […]Continue Reading
“Radical” Math Collaboration: Elementary and Secondary Students
Students in Byrne Creek Community School’s math club, called “The Radicals,” have been leaving math challenges outside for younger students in one of their feeder schools: Stride Avenue Community […]Continue Reading
New Accessible Playground at Chaffey-Burke
Chaffey-Burke Elementary students were excited to see the gates pulled back to their new playground – designed for all to enjoy. The school was one of 40 in BC […]Continue Reading
Change to School Zone Times and More Speed Humps Enhance Traffic Safety
School zone times are getting longer, and speed humps are being added near many parks to enhance safety for children and youth. The 30km/hour speed limit in Burnaby’s school […]Continue Reading
Inkwells to Internet: New Book Captures History of Burnaby Schools
The newly published book, Inkwells to Internet: A History of Burnaby Schools, vividly shares the experiences of students and staff in everything from one-room schools in 1894 to present […]Continue Reading
Finding New Ways to Share Indigenous Learnings During a Pandemic
The District’s Indigenous Education Program has joined together with Elders, other leaders and educators to find new ways to share Indigenous learnings and culture during the pandemic. What follows are […]Continue Reading
Supporting Mental Health: Students Learn About Sleep
Across the globe, COVID-19 has been attributed to increasing screen time for children and decreasing their sleep quality. Here in Burnaby, we have several initiatives underway to help students […]Continue Reading
Students Support Community
Students and school staff throughout the District are finding ways to build and support community, which is perhaps even more important during the pandemic. At Brentwood Park Elementary, Grade […]Continue Reading
Pink Shirt Day in Burnaby Schools 2021
There are many initiatives and activities throughout the year in Burnaby Schools that explore kindness, respect and celebrate diversity. Additionally, each February students and staff participate in Pink Shirt […]Continue Reading
French Immersion Students Celebrate Carnaval
Carnaval provides an opportunity for students at many schools throughout the District to learn through a celebration of French-Canadian culture. For example, at École Marlborough Elementary, Kindergarten students used […]Continue Reading
Black History Month: Celebrating & Learning
Students are participating in Black History Month throughout the District with a variety of activities that showcase the proud heritage of the Black community, their joy, struggle, contribution, and […]Continue Reading
Words Writing Project: Call for submissions
Burnaby Schools are proud of a unique literacy tradition that began in 1985. It celebrates the best in student writing and provides career exploration by inviting students district-wide, from […]Continue Reading
Lunar New Year and the Mandarin Language Arts Program
Students in many classrooms throughout the District are exploring Lunar New Year. At Forest Grove Elementary, home to the District’s Mandarin and Language Arts Program, it’s a school-wide celebration […]Continue Reading
Deafblind Student Publishes Book Accessible for All Children
Publishing a book is a monumental achievement for anyone. Sixteen-year-old Scott Mallinson, author of A Bee’s Journey, says it has been so much more for him: a way to […]Continue Reading
Programs of Choice
Programs of Choice offer students a unique opportunity to explore their interests, support their strengths or get exposed to a career. For most programs, applications are accepted in February […]Continue Reading
Secondary Programs of Choice
Secondary Programs of Choice require application in February for priority placement for the following school year – exceptions are marked with an asterisk * Note that students who would like […]Continue Reading
Supporting Black Shirt Day
The Burnaby School District is supporting Black Shirt Day on January 15 – a positive initiative that will provide students with an opportunity to use their voice. Only recently […]Continue Reading
High School Info Sessions: Course Planning For Next Fall
Students and their families are invited to learn about course planning and career education opportunities at information sessions. Alpha: Thursday, January 30 at 5:30pm Burnaby Central: Thursday, February 6 […]Continue Reading
Elementary Programs of Choice
Elementary Programs of Choice require application in February to be considered for priority placement for the following school year – exceptions are marked with an asterisk.* Note that students who […]Continue Reading
District and Partners Support Refugees with Technology
Learning while navigating a new language, a new culture, and during a pandemic is made less difficult with access to technology. The District’s Settlement Workers in Schools – or […]Continue Reading
Elementary Students in Final for National Music Contest
In an annual competition involving tens of thousands of students from across Canada, two music classes from Capitol Hill Elementary have made the finals. Every year music classes sign […]Continue Reading
Helping Those in Need this Holiday Season
While this holiday season will be different for everyone, students, staff, and school communities are working collectively with partners to bring joy and necessities to the community. The District […]Continue Reading
Learning About Empathy While Giving Joy to Seniors
Students are thinking about the holidays and how things are different this year for so many – especially seniors. They’ve come up with a number of creative ways to […]Continue Reading
Connection to Indigenous Culture Supported by Hands-On Drum Project
Twenty students from Grades 8-12 at Burnaby South Secondary spent several months making an Indigenous drum under the guidance of Elder Phillip Gladue, who is Métis-Cree and originally from […]Continue Reading
Students with Diverse Abilities Create Published Book
It began with a student’s love of bugs and rhymes, and a dedicated group of educators who wanted to create an empowering platform to showcase their students’ gifts. “Leo […]Continue Reading
Administration Offices: Closures for the Holidays
The Burnaby School District Administration Office is closed for the holidays December 21 – January 3. We will reopen on Monday January 4, 2021 at 8:30am. The Burnaby Community […]Continue Reading
Continuing Our Journey: Supporting Anti-Racism
As the District continues its journey to support an equitable, diverse and inclusive environment for all staff, students and their families, organizational change is being championed by the Board, […]Continue Reading
Learning Inspired by Masks and Handwashing
With COVID-19, masks and handwashing have become a big part of our “new normal.” Since the start of school, there are many examples of teachers and students throughout the […]Continue Reading
Supporting Students and Families with Food Security
Together with our partners, we’re working to provide support with food for students and families who need it. Over the course of the pandemic, food insecurity has become a reality […]Continue Reading
Working Together: Safety in Our Schools
Even with protocols and procedures, we each have a role to play in keeping our schools healthy and safe. We can care for and protect each other by: hand […]Continue Reading
Supporting Families: Report Proposes Adding Child Care Spots in the District
As families grapple with a shortage of child care in Burnaby, the Board of Education has approved a report that proposes using district land to be a greater part […]Continue Reading
Achieving in a Pandemic: Board Strives to Move Collective Work Forward
While it may seem ambitious to focus on anything in this moment other than minimizing the impact of COVID-19, the last school year shines a light on the interconnectedness […]Continue Reading
Embracing Nature’s Playground and Classroom
Taking learning outside is a concept long embraced in the Burnaby School District. With the emphasis on outdoor learning in our back-to-school restart plans, teachers are seizing opportunities to […]Continue Reading
Schools Use Technology to Come Together for Remembrance Day
School staff and students have found inventive ways to honour Remembrance Day. As gathering restrictions due to COVID-19 have impacted traditional school-wide assemblies, several virtual ceremonies were held with […]Continue Reading
Secondary Students Win Big at City of Burnaby Environmental Awards
Two student leaders from the Burnaby Youth Sustainability Network were honoured with Environmental Awards from the City of Burnaby in the youth category for their work in the 2019-20 […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Mountain Secondary Earns Healthy School Provincial Designation
Burnaby Mountain staff, students, and partners collaborated over the last school year with a particular focus on mental health and have now been recognized by a provincial organization. They […]Continue Reading
What Happens if There is a COVID-19 Case in a School
Despite the best efforts of all, schools are a reflection of the community and we may, unfortunately, see some cases in our District. In Burnaby, we are ready and […]Continue Reading
Students Who Are New to Canada Gift Mural to Their School
What began as a collaborative art project for two students with shared talents and heritage, has become a beautiful legacy gift filled with much to discover for the École […]Continue Reading
Orange Shirt Day: Building Understanding and Awareness
Every year teachers, staff and students honour an important day in our District and throughout Canada: Orange Shirt Day, which is on September 30. It’s one of the visible […]Continue Reading
Governor General’s Academic Medal Recipients for the 2019-20 School Year
The Burnaby Board of Education recognized the outstanding academic achievement of our 2019/20 medal recipients at their meeting on September 22. The top student from each secondary school in […]Continue Reading
Posters and Infographics in Burnaby Schools: Health & Safety
These posters help to serve as health and safety reminders in Burnaby Schools. Click on the images below to see the full poster. Posted August 2022Continue Reading
Celebrating Another School Year Underway
School communities have been finding ways to make the school year special and engaging for students, all while keeping health and safety the top priority. Extra cleaning, sanitizing and […]Continue Reading
Action on Racism: Burnaby Board of Education
Courageous conversations about racism have presented an opportunity to all of us everywhere to do better. The Burnaby Board of Education has unanimously passed a motion designed to engage […]Continue Reading
A Special Welcome Back from Indigenous Elders
As the 2020-21 school year begins, we want to share a special welcome back to students, their families and staff from local Elders. The District’s Indigenous Education department respectfully […]Continue Reading
Masks in Burnaby Schools
The decision to wear a mask or face covering is a personal choice for staff, students, and visitors. A person’s choice is to be supported and respected. VIDEO: How […]Continue Reading
Return to School Plans
The Burnaby School District released its back-to-school plans in a letter from Superintendent Gina Niccoli-Moen. Highlights include options for students and their families, and strict health and safety measures. […]Continue Reading
Summer School Learning and Fun
Nearly 4200 students in the District participated in Summer Session 2020 this year. In line with provincial objectives, registration priority was given to children of essential service workers and […]Continue Reading
Air Quality Advisory and School
The District has been closely monitoring the situation and has sought advice from the Fraser Health Authority over the weekend regarding the air quality advisory. If the smoke isn’t […]Continue Reading
District Recognized for Supporting Immigrants & Refugees
The Burnaby School District has received both local and national recognition for its support of families who have recently immigrated to Canada or arrived as refugees. National Award The […]Continue Reading
Work Underway on New Burnaby North Secondary
Construction of our brand new Burnaby North Secondary is in progress. The new school, being built next to the old one, is expected to open for September 2022. It […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Students Shine at Virtual Science Fairs
While COVID-19 has brought changes to many annual events, through perseverance, partnerships and creativity, many students were able to have the opportunity to participate in virtual science fairs. We’ve […]Continue Reading
Grade 7 Band Students Create Virtual Year-end Concert
It’s been a long-held tradition for Grade 7 Band students from across the District to wrap up the school year with a special performance for friends, families and fans. […]Continue Reading
Students Lead Burnaby Youth Response to COVID-19
A group of 19 students from seven secondary schools in the Burnaby School District joined together with a common mission: To foster and build a sense of community and […]Continue Reading
Students Scoop Millions in Scholarships
Many of our graduates are celebrating significant scholarship wins. Almost $6.8 million – and still counting – has been awarded to them so far. From large to small, […]Continue Reading
Planning for September 2020
The Government of BC has released its province-wide plan to bring K-12 students back to class full time in September. For specific details: See the BC Government Return to […]Continue Reading
Celebrating Burnaby’s Class of 2020
This year’s Grade 12s most certainly have a graduation story to tell their grandchildren. Grad ceremonies were very different this year with social distancing and restrictions on gathering sizes, […]Continue Reading
Celebrating Indigenous Culture with Students During the Pandemic
With COVID-19 making it difficult for students to gather and celebrate together, the District’s Indigenous Education Program has joined together with Elders, other leaders and educators to find new […]Continue Reading
Anti-Racism: Letter and Resources
The Burnaby Board of Education sent a letter to families, students and staff regarding anti-racism. Click here for a printable pdf of the above letter. Additionally, for easy […]Continue Reading
Helping Others: Student-led and School Food Efforts
With demand at food banks growing over the course of the pandemic, food insecurity has become a reality for more families, as COVID-19 has impacted people’s livelihoods and sources […]Continue Reading
Student and Teacher Share Learnings as Part of National Speaker Series
A national speaker series featured two of the District’s very own: teacher Clifton Huxtable from the Burnaby Youth Hub and his student Izzy, along with headliner speaker Angela Duckworth – […]Continue Reading
Students Use “Back to School” to Market Their Homemade Masks
What do you do when your class business ideas are foiled by COVID-19? If you’re part of the Grade 6/7 class at Sperling Elementary, you turn it into inspiration […]Continue Reading
Students Create Illustrated Maps of their Pandemic World
Grade 9 and 10 students from Alpha Secondary created maps of their lives during the pandemic. In a visual art assignment, students were asked to explore how they have […]Continue Reading
School Project Leads to Student Publishing a Book
You might think this ten-year-old holding a book is smiling because she likes the story. But it’s more than that. Kiana Sosa, Grade 4 student at Brentwood Park Elementary […]Continue Reading
Students Win at BC Winter Games
Forty-one athletes from Burnaby Schools competed at the BC Winter Games held in Fort St. John in February, with 25 of our students taking home medals (see the full […]Continue Reading
Our Students Support Burnaby Seniors
Our schools have come up with a number of creative ways to support seniors, which has become even more important in these unusual times. Just a few examples can […]Continue Reading
Seaforth Video Features Michael Bublé Song with his Permission
Featuring an original new song by Michael Bublé and with his personal permission, Seaforth Elementary put a video together looking back on their experiences while learning at home. Watch […]Continue Reading
Sports Days Go On – Virtually
Sports Day is an annual spring tradition in elementary schools. When COVID-19 stopped plans for the usual fun and games, several schools decided to get creative. Instead, some held […]Continue Reading
Spotlight on Creating Community
Even as COVID-19 has changed how people come together, school principals, staff and teachers have been finding creative ways to build community with students and families, as well as […]Continue Reading
Spotlight on Creative Assignments
While COVID-19 has changed how we live, work, and learn, what hasn’t changed is the creativity and innovation of Burnaby Schools teachers and their students. Here is a spotlight […]Continue Reading
A Video Message for BCSD Students and Their Families
Several schools have recorded videos for students and families – yet another creative way to build community, as seen here in greetings from staff at the British Columbia Provincial […]Continue Reading
A Virtual Visit With Seniors from Students at Second Street
Two local seniors homes – Normanna and George Derby – were the recipients of this heartwarming video created just for them by students from Second Street Community School. They […]Continue Reading
AP Students Given Their Own Theme Song
AP Students writing their Advanced Placement exams had their own theme song, thanks to Burnaby North teacher Jennifer Cowley. Usually I would hand out little goodie bags of […]Continue Reading
Supporting LGBTQ+ Community: Annual Event Reimagined
Community matters even more in challenging times. Each year, the Burnaby School District recognizes the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia (IDAHAT) with a student breakfast and speakers. The […]Continue Reading
Arts Alive 2020: Student Art Exhibition at BAG Goes Virtual
Working with the art teachers at all eight of our high schools, the Burnaby Art Gallery – together with the Burnaby School District – is taking the annual Arts […]Continue Reading
Expansion of In-Class Learning in June
The Burnaby School District has detailed plans for both health and safety, as well as the expansion of in-class learning. Students returning to school in June will notice significant […]Continue Reading
Burnaby’s Class of 2020: Graduating During a Pandemic
This year’s Grade 12s most certainly have a graduation story to tell their grandchildren. Nevertheless, many are also grieving the ceremony and celebration they imagined. While it’s not what […]Continue Reading
Reopening of Playgrounds and Hard Courts
The District will begin re-opening playgrounds and hard court areas in a phased approach, beginning June 1, in alignment with the City of Burnaby and Metro Vancouver. Playgrounds will […]Continue Reading
Singing Sensations: Musical Assignments
Music continues to be powerful in supporting education in multiple respects, even as the way students learn has shifted because of COVID-19. Check out these examples – from throughout […]Continue Reading
Lyndhurst Launches Gratitude Project
The school community at Lyndhurst Elementary began a “Happiness Challenge” in May. Each week students are challenged to a daily activity to improve their happiness and well-being. The focus […]Continue Reading
From the Board and District: Messages of Hope and Appreciation
Our schools are the heart of our community, and continue to serve in that role throughout the challenges each and every one us face with COVID-19. We are proud […]Continue Reading
Health Resources for You and Your Children
During these uncertain times, there are many ways in which we can continue to look after our own physical and mental health. We can also help our loved ones, […]Continue Reading
Virtual Assembly Supports Grads with Safe Choices
Grade 12 students from every high school in the Burnaby School District attended the first-ever interactive and virtual assembly with an internationally-renowned speaker about making safe choices during grad […]Continue Reading
Helping Where We Can: Supporting Families
Schools are at the heart of our community and have a much larger function than their core responsibility of providing education. The Burnaby School District recognizes the significance of […]Continue Reading
Supporting Families with Access to Technology
When in-class instruction was suspended in March, it became clear that remote learning would become a key part of continuing students’ education, yet not all families have access to […]Continue Reading
Supporting Families with Food
Even in good times, for many students school meal programs are the difference between being hungry or fed. As the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues, more people […]Continue Reading
Finding New Ways of Connecting
Teachers, students and families have been finding new ways to build community and support each other in the midst of COVID-19. Parades Several elementary schools – Parkcrest, Taylor Park, […]Continue Reading
Looking After Your Physical Health
To reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19, BC’s Provincial Health Officer recommends the following: Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. If […]Continue Reading
Back to School – Supporting Mental Health
During these uncertain times, there are many ways in which we can continue to look after our own and our children’s mental health. These links are from the Burnaby […]Continue Reading
Social and Physical Distancing – Tools to Help Build Awareness
The Provincial Health Officer is calling for physical and social distancing to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 and making one another sick. This means keeping about two metres […]Continue Reading
Continuing Learning K-12
You can find the latest letter from the Superintendent with updates from the Burnaby School District here. While learning opportunities will not be a direct replacement for what was […]Continue Reading
Words Writing Project: 2019-20 Anthology
The 2019/20 Words anthology is hot off the press. You can read it here: Waves of Words. Check out the May 14 edition of the Burnaby Now for the […]Continue Reading
Limited Access to Schools and District Buildings
Families, students, and members of the general public are asked to call regarding any inquiries, including those for which they would have previously made an in-person appointment. The District […]Continue Reading
Closed: Playgrounds, School Fields, and Hard-Court Areas on School Sites
All playgrounds on school district property closed on March 21, with all hard-court areas and fields following on March 23. Superintendent Gina Niccoli-Moen: “The health, safety and well-being of […]Continue Reading
Creativity, Compassion & Community
Students, teachers, Principals and other staff are rising – together with our wider community – to meet the challenges precipitated by COVID-19. While life looks different for all of […]Continue Reading
COVID-19 Time Capsule Assignment
A Social Studies class at Burnaby Mountain was challenged to make their own personal COVID-19 time capsules. Evann, a Grade 8 student, employed his newly found animation skills cultivated […]Continue Reading
Child Care Survey for Essential Service Workers
The Burnaby School District partners with a number of on-site child care operators and is working collaboratively to provide child care for children of Essential Service Workers. Please complete […]Continue Reading
Priorities for the 2020-21 Operating Budget: The Board Invites Your Input
The Burnaby Board of Education is seeking community input to develop priorities for the 2020-21 operating budget. We invite you to: Please Submit in Writing Email or mail […]Continue Reading
We Mean Green: Our First Sustainability Plan
Nearly 140 secondary students, staff, and special guests at the “We Mean GREEN in Burnaby Schools” event generated ideas that will help inform the Burnaby School District’s first Strategic […]Continue Reading
Grade 7 Public Speaking Challenge 2020
The 2020 Grade 7 Public Speaking Challenge took place on March 11. Since it began in 1983, students have had the opportunity to develop confidence and pursue excellence in […]Continue Reading
Supporting Essential Service Workers
The Burnaby School District is working hard, in partnership with our childcare providers, to support children in grade K – 6 whose parents are essential service workers. We recognize […]Continue Reading
Student Finds Creative Way to Support Health Care Workers
A Burnaby North student is using his hobby and skills to support health care workers on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic. Aaron Lu is mobilizing his 3D […]Continue Reading
Supporting Families with a 60% Increase in Child Care Spaces
The Westridge Elementary community was joined by special guests for a major child care announcement on March 9. The District is partnering with the Province and the City of […]Continue Reading
Students Explore Careers: Partnership with Burnaby Business
One hundred and twenty Grade 10-12 students from all eight secondary schools participated in the Career and Leadership Exploration World Café, which took place over two sessions in February. […]Continue Reading
Creating a Summer Session Experience
Registration for Summer Session starts Tuesday, April 6 at 10am for Secondary students, and Tuesday, April 13 at 10am for Elementary students. In addition to core offerings, summer options […]Continue Reading
Indigenous Learnings and Moscrop’s Spindle Whorl
Moscrop Secondary held a Blessing Ceremony in February for its newly completed Spindle Whorl, carved under the guidance of Indigenous artist and Squamish Nation Elder Xwalacktun. He and the […]Continue Reading
Raising Awareness to Stop Sexual Exploitation of Youth
In Burnaby, we work together as a community to keep children safe from exploitation. The District is part of the “Burnaby-New Westminster Task-Force on Sexually Exploited and At-Risk Youth,” […]Continue Reading
Pink Shirt Day 2020 in Burnaby Schools & in the Community
Pink Shirt Day reminds students that they can be who they are, encourage others to do the same, and stand up to name calling or discrimination. When students feel welcome, […]Continue Reading
Hands-On Drumming Project Supports School-Wide Indigenous Education
Students at Montecito Elementary spent many months on their Indigenous Drumming Project, gaining an understanding of Indigenous perspectives and knowledge through experiential learning. They created traditional drums under the […]Continue Reading
Our Students Win Silver Medals for Canada at International Science Fair
Burnaby North Secondary students Claire and Vanessa Scrimini (first photo L to R) were BC’s only representatives at the International Science Fair held in February at the National Taiwan […]Continue Reading
Diversity Dance 2020
High school students are invited to this year’s Diversity Dance held at Byrne Creek Community School. Put on by the District’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Committee in […]Continue Reading
Students Help Animals in Australia Impacted by Fires
Burnaby students are doing their part in the global effort to help animals that have been injured or displaced by the devastating bushfires in Australia. Millions of acres of […]Continue Reading
Programs of Choice for the 2020-21 School Year
Program options allow students to explore their specific interests and passions in greater depth. These include language and arts programs, sports academies, programs for highly able learners, summit programs, […]Continue Reading
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten is offered at all 41 Burnaby Elementary Schools. Families with students entering Kindergarten next Fall must complete an online preliminary registration here – starting in February in advance […]Continue Reading
School Expansion Also Supports Child Care
The University Highlands Elementary community was joined at the end of January by special guests to mark their new expansion. The addition brings eight new classrooms and space for […]Continue Reading
Approved 3 Year School Calendar
Following a period of public input, the Burnaby Board of Education, adopted and approved — at its regular meeting on January 28, 2020 — the following Three-Year District Calendar […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Community Supports Literacy Week in Schools
Burnaby Schools celebrate Family Literacy Week every January (or early February), which is acknowledged in different ways around the province. The week was created to highlight the benefits of […]Continue Reading
Board Endorses Burnaby Children’s Charter
The Burnaby Board of Education endorsed a newly created children’s charter at its November 2019 meeting. Immediately before the unanimous support, Vice-Chair Jen Mezei said: The quotes in the Charter […]Continue Reading
“ReconciliAction” at Alpha Secondary
Alpha Secondary held a Blessing Ceremony for its newly completed Coast Salish Storyboard, which was created under the guidance of Squamish elder and artist Latash Nahanee. Nahanee and the […]Continue Reading
Students Entertain Family, Friends, and the Community
Burnaby Schools students look forward to sharing these holiday performances with family, friends, and the community. Wednesday, December 4 7pm Alpha Secondary Concert “Snowfall” at Michael J. Fox Theatre […]Continue Reading
Opportunity: Public Member, District Audit Sub-Committee
The Burnaby School District is seeking two community members with financial expertise and business knowledge to serve on the District Audit Sub-Committee. More information and application package. […]Continue Reading
Student Handbell Choir Wins CBC Music Honour
The Sound Wave Handbell Choir has taken top spot in their category in CBC’s Canadian Music Challenge. This is a very prestigious honour, as 50,000 students from close to 1,200 […]Continue Reading
Opportunity for Feedback on District’s Proposed 3-year Calendar
The Burnaby School District is welcoming feedback and comments until January 8, 2020 about the proposed three-year calendar for the school years from 2020-21 through 2022-23. The calendar sets […]Continue Reading
Student Competition Supports Sustainability Skills
Top Photo: First place team L to R, Daniel Wang, Andy Shaw, BCIT mentor, Alex Logan, William Li, and James Zhang. Bottom Photo: Second place team L to R, […]Continue Reading
Sleep: What Students and Families Need to Know
Everyone knows what it feels like to try to get through the day if you haven’t had enough sleep. For students, that can mean having trouble learning because of difficulty […]Continue Reading
Three New Accessible Playgrounds for Burnaby Schools
Three Burnaby schools – Sperling Elementary, Maywood and Second Street Community Schools – are celebrating the installation of brand new playgrounds, complete with accessible features. The schools and their […]Continue Reading
Child Care in the Burnaby School District
The Burnaby Board of Education has been engaged in supporting child care programs at Burnaby schools for over 35 years. We’ve made space available in our schools and on […]Continue Reading
New Strategic Plan
The Burnaby School District has a new five-year strategic plan. It articulates where we’re headed and identifies our focus for the coming years. It also sets out the District’s […]Continue Reading
Vaping: Information Night for Families
Burnaby Central Secondary is hosting an information night on November 6 (7-9pm) about substance use, including vaping. Put on by the District Parent Advisory Council, the event includes: speakers […]Continue Reading
South and Moscrop Win Awards for Physical and Health Education
Burnaby South and Moscrop Secondary Schools are being honoured nationally for their quality daily physical education programs for the 2018-19 school year. Of the BC winners, they won the […]Continue Reading
Confederation Park Elementary Receives Prestigious Arts Designation
Confederation Park has been designated an “Exemplary School” by the Arts Schools Network, in recognition of its commitment to excellence. The network is a collective made up of arts […]Continue Reading
Transit Job Action: Schools and District Remain Open
UPDATE (6:45am November 27): Translink and the union announced that they reached a tentative deal just before 12:30am, averting a complete shutdown of bus and SeaBus service in Metro […]Continue Reading
Teacher-Librarian Wins Lifetime Achievement Award
Patricia Finlay has been awarded the Val Hamilton Lifetime Achievement Award by the British Columbia Teacher-Librarians’ Association (BCTLA). The annual award recognizes the commitment and achievement of Teacher-Librarians who have made outstanding […]Continue Reading
District Awarded for Environmental Impact
The Burnaby School District is being honoured for its leadership and innovation in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Efficiency in Action Award from Fortis BC recognizes our efforts in […]Continue Reading
National Award for Communications on SOGI
The Burnaby School District has been recognized by the Canadian Association of Communicators in Education for a SOGI Awareness Campaign. The national awards program honours outstanding performance in school […]Continue Reading
Students Showcase Talents Through Project with Indigenous Artist
A new art display will greet all who enter the Canada Way Learning Centre. Students created it under the guidance of Indigenous artist Trenton Pierre – also known as […]Continue Reading
Our Winners: Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education
At an awards ceremony in Victoria, Burnaby Schools educators Scott Stefanek and Wendel Williams came out on top in their categories for the Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education. […]Continue Reading
New Indigenous Week of Learning: Hundreds of Students Participating
Five-hundred Grade 4 and 5 students are participating in the first-ever Indigenous Week of Learning (Oct 7-11), which is being put on in partnership by the City of Burnaby […]Continue Reading
Honouring Our Recipients of the Governor General’s Academic Medal 2018-19
The Governor General’s Academic Medal is awarded to the top student at each secondary school in Canada. These students’ impressive accomplishments in their Grade 12 year (2018-19) were shared by their Principals or […]Continue Reading
First School in BC to Earn Fair Trade Designation
University Highlands Elementary has been designated a “Fair Trade School” – the first and only in BC. There are 25 Fair Trade schools across Canada. A “Fair Trade” designation requires […]Continue Reading
Orange Shirt Day Supported by Students in Burnaby Schools
Orange Shirt Day (September 30) is one of the visible ways our District strives to highlight our shared history in Canada and honour those who attended residential schools. Every […]Continue Reading
Global Climate Strike
Part of a world-wide student-led movement, the Global Climate Strike (September 20-27) is a series of international strikes and protests to demand action to address climate change. The Burnaby […]Continue Reading
Cariboo Hill Hosts Provincial SOGI Funding Announcement
As one of the early leaders among school districts in Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) work, the Burnaby School District was pleased to host the Ministry of Education’s […]Continue Reading
Byrne Creek Students Win at NASA Competition
Byrne Creek Secondary students represented Burnaby Schools at a prestigious competition held at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center this summer – and three of them were on the winning team. Four students […]Continue Reading
Back to School: Rainbows, Sleep and a New Strategic Plan
Burnaby Schools are now in session for the 2019-20 school year. Throughout the Burnaby School District, staff have been busy preparing to welcome students back after summer break. If […]Continue Reading
Pride Events – Summer 2019
Fun was had by all at this summer’s Pride events. Burnaby Schools participated in the Vancouver Pride Parade on the August long weekend. Annually, staff, students, and families are invited to participate […]Continue Reading
Summer School Evolution
For many, summer school used to be about making up a course or getting ahead to make room in your schedule. In Burnaby Schools, we still have those choices, […]Continue Reading
Four Educators: Finalists for Premier’s Awards
Four of 30 finalists for this year’s Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education are from Burnaby Schools. Launched in 2018, the annual awards began as an opportunity to recognize […]Continue Reading
Students Impress with Millions in Scholarships
Burnaby Schools graduates have been awarded an impressive $6.9 million, collectively – and still counting – in scholarships. From small to large awards, every little bit helps the students […]Continue Reading
New Outdoor Murals
Two elementary schools unveiled new murals before the end of the school year that are sure to warm the hearts of passers-by for many years to come. SUNCREST ELEMENTARY […]Continue Reading
Students Help Food Bank Stock Up for the Summer
Parkcrest students and head teacher, Holly Lloyd, came up with a great way to welcome the Greater Vancouver Food Bank to its new location in Burnaby. And, with the […]Continue Reading
Seismic Upgrades Announced for Parkcrest and Seaforth
The Ministry of Education announced a total of $28.6 million in seismic upgrades for both Parkcrest and Seaforth elementary schools. Students, staff, and dignitaries were in attendance at the […]Continue Reading
Students Celebrated for Efforts to Support the Environment
In Burnaby Schools, we care about our district’s environmental impact and so do our students. A number of them have been recognized for their efforts. Return-It Award: Aubrey’s Green […]Continue Reading
Indigenous Carvings Unveiled at End of the School Year
Three Indigenous legacy art projects were revealed in June at our elementary schools. Indigenous artists worked with students – at Edmonds, Sperling, and Stoney Creek – to create stunning […]Continue Reading
Student Reportedly Youngest to Receive Award for Helping to Save a Life
A Grade 3 student at Lochdale is believed to be the youngest person ever to receive a Vital Link Award. Presented by BC Ambulance, the award honours the skillful actions […]Continue Reading
Educator Wins UBC Alumni Teacher of the Year Award
UBC annually recognizes one of its graduates with the Alumni Teacher of the Year Award. This year, that honour was given to John Nanson, Community School Coordinator at Edmonds […]Continue Reading
Vaping: Information to Help Students and Families
The Burnaby School District has created resources to help students understand the consequences of vaping, which is an emerging issue with youth throughout the province. As a District, we […]Continue Reading
Student’s Personal Quest Before Losing Sight Leads to School First
Le Yi Deng is a Grade 12 student at the British Columbia Provincial School for the Deaf in Burnaby. She first came to BCSD in Grade 3. When she […]Continue Reading
Secondary Choir Carries the Chorus in Music Video for Hip-hop Artist
Burnaby Mountain Secondary’s choir collaborated with a local Indigenous hip-hop artist named Theresa Warbus, who performs as Keliya. She created a music video for her song, “Take Us,” that […]Continue Reading
Science Fairs: Burnaby Students Dominate at Regionals and Win at Nationals
Secondary students excelled at the regional science fair, and made up nearly half of the contingent who went on to compete at nationals in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The Greater […]Continue Reading
Elementary Band Invited to Canada’s National Music Festival
Even though they’ve only been playing their instruments since last September, Stride Avenue and Westridge band students wowed listeners at the Vancouver Kiwanis Band & Orchestra Festival. Adjudicators were […]Continue Reading
Massive Medal Haul at Regional World Scholar’s Cup
Burnaby South students went to the World Scholar’s Cup, held in Vancouver in May, and left with a fist full of medals. The World Scholar’s Cup is an international […]Continue Reading
Words Writing Project 2018-19
It was a packed house as student authors, the student who did the cover art, families, teachers, administrators, and trustees gathered at the Michael J Fox Theatre to celebrate […]Continue Reading
Arts Alive and Transitions: Student Exhibitions at the BAG
Arts Alive and Transitions are exhibitions of student art on display at the Burnaby Art Gallery until June 9. A nearly 40 year partnership with the gallery (BAG) has […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Schools Earn High Scores in Math
Moscrop math mavens are number one in the province in Grade 9, 10 and 11 contests put out by the University of Waterloo. Nationally, Moscrop Secondary ranks third, fourth, and second […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Students Medal at Provincial Skills Competition
Several Burnaby Schools teams placed in the Skills Canada Regional Juniors and went on to the provincial competition. There, young people throughout the province showcase their mastery of trade […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Schools Students Earn Top Awards at Concours d’art oratoire
Burnaby Schools students earned top awards at the 36th annual French public speaking competition, Concours d’art oratoire. The Provincial Finals were held at Simon Fraser University’s Surrey campus in […]Continue Reading
New Agreement With France Creates Opportunities for Students
Christophe Gargot, Director of International Relations for Académies d’Aix-Marseille et de Nice and Gina Niccoli-Moen, Superintendent of Burnaby Schools signing the agreement between the two districts Throughout history, France […]Continue Reading
Teacher Named Burnaby’s Citizen of the Year
Laida Falsetto is already a beloved teacher at Byrne Creek Secondary, and now the City has named her Burnaby’s Citizen of the Year. Ms Falsetto was awarded the Kushiro Cup […]Continue Reading
Mental Health and Well-being for All
Every day, well-being is a shared responsibility that requires thoughtful and ongoing collaboration linking schools, families, and community partners. Increasing understanding and support of mental health and well-being is […]Continue Reading
Funding for Three New Playgrounds
Three new playgrounds have been announced for Burnaby Schools. The playgrounds will be built with provincial funding over the coming months at Maywood Community School, Second Street Community School, […]Continue Reading
Parent Information Night: Keeping Children Safe from Gangs
The Burnaby School District invites parents and guardians to attend an information session that is part of an expanded provincial school-based gang prevention program. Thursday, May 16th at 6:30 […]Continue Reading
Grade 7 Public Speaking Challenge
At a special event held at the Centre for Dialogue at Byrne Creek Community School in March, the District’s top eight Grade 7 orators delivered their speeches to an […]Continue Reading
Moscrop Students Earn Top Tier Award at the UBC Physics Olympics
Moscrop Secondary’s Physics team placed fourth overall at the prestigious UBC Physics Olympics competition held in March. The UBC Physics Olympics is one of the largest and oldest high […]Continue Reading
Every Piece Matters: Autism Awareness and Fundraising Campaign
Gilmore Community School and Gilpin Elementary are partnering for Autism Awareness Month. Students are learning about autism, how each of us is unique, and that everyone should be a […]Continue Reading
Inspiring Academy Award Winning Actress Visits Burnaby School
Academy Award winning actress Marlee Matlin generously took time away from her busy filming schedule in Hollywood North for a spontaneous visit to the BC School for the Deaf […]Continue Reading
Finding their Voice: Indigenous Students Create Hip Hop Song at School
A group of Indigenous students from throughout the District came together at Burnaby North Secondary for five days to create and record an original song that reflects their experience […]Continue Reading
Priorities for the 2019-20 Operating Budget: The Board Invites Your Input
The Burnaby Board of Education is seeking community input to develop priorities for the 2019-20 operating budget. We invite you to: Submit in Writing Email or mail a letter to: Burnaby […]Continue Reading
Beyond the Pink: Celebrating Diversity and Kindness in Burnaby Schools
Pink Shirt Day began more than a decade ago as a campaign to bring awareness around bullying. In Burnaby Schools, we value kindness every day of the year, and […]Continue Reading
Students Build Industrial-sized Robot to Compete on World Stage
A team of high school students from Byrne Creek Community School competed in the FIRST Robotics Competition in Victoria. The “For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology Robotics” […]Continue Reading
How Sharing Culture is Connecting Adult English Language Learners
When you’re learning a language it can sometimes be hard to connect. Recognizing that culture is something that can be experienced and shared regardless of one’s stage of language […]Continue Reading
Celebrating Black History Month in Burnaby Schools
Black History Month provides a wonderful opportunity in our schools to celebrate the richness of what makes us unique. Burnaby is a diverse community, with nearly half of our […]Continue Reading
Kindergarten and Grade 1 Student Art Exhibition
Impressive artwork from Confederation Park Elementary’s Kindergarten and Grade One students is on display at Burnaby Neighbourhood House for the month of March. The North location at 4908 Hastings […]Continue Reading
Seaforth: Thinking Outside the Box with a Box
Students at École Seaforth Elementary spent a week on a cardboard box-based project that was a “magnificent thing.” The school-wide project was inspired by the book The Most Magnificent […]Continue Reading
Basketball Season Heats Up
Basketball season is here at both elementary and secondary schools. This is but one great example of our many partnerships with parents and families. At the elementary level, volunteer […]Continue Reading
It’s a Pattern: Moscrop Math Team Making their Mark
Moscrop Secondary math students are in a rhythm that is a “sine” of things to come. Team Moscrop is currently in second place in all of Canada after four […]Continue Reading
Literacy Week: Connecting with the Community and Families to Showcase Reading
Burnaby Schools are celebrating Family Literacy Week this January, which is acknowledged in different ways throughout the province. The week was created to highlight the benefits of reading and […]Continue Reading
Indigenous Students and Artists Craft 400-year-old Cedar Log into Giant Storyboard
Indigenous students at Alpha Secondary are creating a piece of art to greet all who come to their newly rebuilt school. Students are carving a storyboard under the guidance […]Continue Reading
Open Houses and Info Evenings
At Burnaby Schools, we offer educational choice to allow our students to explore their interests, support their strengths, get exposed to a career, or open up their worlds. Information […]Continue Reading
New Playground for Suncrest Elementary
Students, families, staff, trustees, and special guests gathered for the official opening of a brand new playground at Suncrest Elementary. This valuable addition to the school is the result […]Continue Reading
Happy New Year: Student Wishes for the World for 2019
Students at Edmonds Community School took a moment to put their wishes for the New Year out into the universe. The school reflects the diversity in the community that […]Continue Reading
Programs of Choice: Students Showcase Experiences to Board of Education
Students from Burnaby’s secondary schools came to the January 2019 meeting of the Board of Education to talk about their own experiences with the District’s Programs of Choice. The […]Continue Reading
Students Learn While Giving
Brantford Elementary students ended the calendar year in the media spotlight. The grade 5/6 class was studying a book about a young Japanese girl, who became ill with cancer […]Continue Reading
Board of Education
Elected school trustees were officially sworn in at the inaugural meeting of the Burnaby Board of Education on Monday, November 26, 2018. The Board is comprised of two long-term […]Continue Reading
STEM for Girls
200 girls in grades 6, 7 and 8 got together for Stem4Girls Days – a first time event held at Cariboo Hill Secondary. Offered to Burnaby Schools students over […]Continue Reading
Moscrop Secondary Hosts BC’s GSA Forum
The Burnaby School District is proud to have hosted the most significant event in British Columbia for LGBTQ2+ and allied high school students. More than 300 educators and students […]Continue Reading
Learning About Canada’s Favourite Pastime
Students and families at Lochdale Community School had a chance to learn about one of Canada’s national obsessions: hockey. Principal Dino Klarich explained why he decided to celebrate hockey […]Continue Reading
District Information About Cannabis
Marijuana legalization took place in Canada through the Cannabis Act on October 17, 2018. Age 19 is the provincial minimum in BC to purchase, sell, or consume cannabis. Marijuana […]Continue Reading
Honouring Our Recipients of the Governor General’s Academic Medal 2017-18
The Governor General’s Academic Medal is awarded to the top student at each secondary school in Canada. The Burnaby Board of Education is proud to recognize the outstanding academic achievement of […]Continue Reading
A Redesigned K-12 BC Curriculum
The BC Ministry of Education is building on one of the world’s most successful school systems in the world. Working together with more than 100 BC teachers over the past […]Continue Reading
Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
Students throughout Burnaby Schools are celebrating the holiday season by sharing performances with family, friends and the community. The Burnaby North Vikings Marching Band launched the festivities with its […]Continue Reading
Confederation Park Earns Prestigious Arts Award
Confederation Park Elementary has been awarded the 2018 Arts Integration Award from the Arts Schools Network (ASN) – North America’s largest professional membership organization of specialized arts schools. The award celebrates outstanding […]Continue Reading
Kindergarteners’ Kindness Project Garners National Attention
Suzana Barisic’s Kindergarten class has garnered national attention for their kindness project. It all started with a little jar filled with pompoms and a love for books written by […]Continue Reading
South’s Sr Boys Basketball Team Making National Headlines
Burnaby South Secondary’s Senior Boys Basketball Team has earned the country’s attention. Featured in the National Post, they are the reigning Quad A provincial champions, as well as the […]Continue Reading
Lacrosse Academy Hires Elite Coaches
Practices held on SFU’s Burnaby Mountain Campus are being led by Mackenzie Terrio, former coach with the Burnaby Mountain Selects Elite Development Program and Matthew Sobey, a long time coach […]Continue Reading
A Brand New Burnaby North Secondary Announced
Speaking at the official announcement of a brand new high school for Burnaby, Grade 9 student Marin Dobson says she and her peers are thrilled. Students and the Burnaby […]Continue Reading
Indigenous Students’ Drum Circle
The Burnaby School District’s Indigenous Education Program provides culturally relevant programming and services to students of Indigenous ancestry. An example of one of the opportunities for students is the “Drum […]Continue Reading
Lakeview Elementary Teacher: Premier’s Award of Excellence Finalist
Lakeview Elementary Teacher Nancy Sinclair with Superintendent Gina Niccoli-Moen at the Premier’s Awards of Excellence Ceremony One of our own was chosen as a finalist for the Premier’s Award […]Continue Reading
Proposed New Burnaby School District Admin Office
Burnaby School District is proposing to relocate its current Administration Office at 5325 Kincaid Street to the Schou Education Centre at 4041 Canada Way. The Schou Education Centre would be […]Continue Reading
Congratulations Grads – You Make Us Proud!
More than 2000 Burnaby Schools students celebrated their high school graduation this year. The Class of 2018 Valedictorians were featured in the June 6 edition of the Burnaby Now. […]Continue Reading
Live Performances in Burnaby Schools
Live performances are abundant in Burnaby Schools, and this year was no exception. The combination of talent, hard work, and the dedication of our staff and students always makes […]Continue Reading
The Arts are Alive in Burnaby Schools
Arts Alive is an annual showcase of student works held in collaboration with the City of Burnaby. This 36th edition presents a selection of artwork from all eight of our […]Continue Reading
Burnaby’s Got Talent
An annual tradition, Burnaby Schools secondary students share their talent at a spring performance held at Michael J Fox Theatre. This year’s winner of Burnaby’s Got Talent is Burnaby North […]Continue Reading
Local Pride Events – Vancouver and Burnaby
Burnaby School District will be participating in the Vancouver Pride Parade again this summer. The parade starts at noon on August 5 on Robson Street (at Thurlow) and will […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Board of Education Elects New Chair
Elected by acclamation by fellow trustees, Gary Wong is the new Chair of the Burnaby Board of Education. A Burnaby resident for more than 25 years, he has served […]Continue Reading
Transitioning Students with Special Needs to Adulthood
Attend an information evening Tuesday, May 8 at 6:30-9pm at Burnaby Central Secondary. All are invited including parents/caregivers, teachers/support workers, and students ages 13-24 with physical or social employment […]Continue Reading
On My Way to Kindergarten
For preschool aged Indigenous children and their families/caregivers, there are four On My Way to Kindergarten sessions to choose from. Adults and children explore, learn, and have fun together […]Continue Reading
Diversity Dance 2018
Fun was had by all at the second annual Burnaby Schools Diversity Dance held on March 7. Celebrating the diversity and inclusiveness of our schools, students from around the […]Continue Reading
Blue Jays Land at Gilmore
GO JAYS GO! Where do blue jays fly for the winter? To Gilmore Community School of course! It was an exciting start to the New Year when Toronto Blue […]Continue Reading
Registration for Fall 2018
New District students, including kindergarten students and Burnaby residents who are not currently enrolled in the District, should register at their local school as determined by their residential address. […]Continue Reading
Grade 7 Public Speaking Challenge
The Grade 7 Public Speaking Challenge began in 1983 to provide elementary students the opportunity to develop their confidence and pursue excellence in public speaking. Each year, every Burnaby Schools […]Continue Reading
Secondary School “Reads” Program 2017/18
Burnaby School District’s secondary school “Reads” programs are school-wide initiatives designed to inspire students and staff to read and talk about great books. If you have some reading time on your hands, consider […]Continue Reading
Students Recognized for Environmental Stewardship
Moscrop’s Brennan Strandberg-Salmon and Burnaby Mountain student Griffin Andersen were recently recognized for their environmental stewardship work. They each received the Dr. M. Wosk Environmental Leadership Award from the […]Continue Reading
Alpha Student Wins National Essay Contest
Dante Wong, a 2017 graduate of Alpha Secondary won First Prize in the A&E Lives That Make a Difference Essay Contest. His topic was Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould and […]Continue Reading
Update on New Curriculum from BC’s Education Minister
Please review updates from Education Minister Rob Fleming regarding: 1) New curriculum implementation for students going into grades 10-12 2) Provincial Graduation Assessments If you have specific questions regarding […]Continue Reading
Taking the Learning Outdoors
Aubrey Elementary School tried a new concept for Community Day this year. Rather than invite community guests in, the students headed outdoors to explore! Students spent half a day […]Continue Reading
Authors in our Midst
Everywhere you turn, authors are popping up in Burnaby Schools! Armstrong Elementary Learning Support teacher, Jillian Ma, has written a book about a boy with autism called In My World. […]Continue Reading
The Places They Will Go
The times they are a changing when students want to go to school when teachers are having a pro-d day. That’s what happened recently at Taylor Park Elementary when […]Continue Reading
A Literacy Event With An Awesome Twist
A recent literacy event at Maywood Community School included a book reading by former Educational Assistant turned author Brandee Buble and other guest readers – but that’s not all. […]Continue Reading
Orange Shirt Day Means Every Child Matters
Orange Shirt Day, on September 30, honours the students who attended residential schools. Its origins stem from an Elder reflecting on a new orange shirt she wore on the […]Continue Reading
Governor General’s Academic Medal Recipients
For over 125 years, the Governor General’s Academic Medals have been awarded to graduates who have received the highest average in their high school, college or university program. Pierre Trudeau, Tommy Douglas, and […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Schools Early Learning Centres Open
For children ages 0-5 the District’s 12 StrongStart Early Learning Centres are now open for business! A free drop-in program for children and their parents/caregivers, centre facilitators are qualified early childhood […]Continue Reading
Come Learn With Burnaby CCE
Are you seeking a way to graduate from high school? Learn English? Or perhaps explore a new skill or train for a new career? Whatever your goal is, we’re […]Continue Reading
We Are All One
On Sunday, September 24 more than 70 people from the Burnaby Schools community proudly participated in the Walk for Reconciliation. It was likely the largest reconciliation event in Canadian […]Continue Reading
Mountain Student Receives Schulich Leader Scholarship
Burnaby Mountain graduate, Miranda Andersen is a recipient of a $80,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship. Anderson was the top biology student and top student of the year at her school, […]Continue Reading
North Grad Recipient of Humanitarian Award
Monica Hsu, a recent graduate of Burnaby North Secondary is the recipient of a $28,000 Terry Fox Humanitarian Award. It recognizes young people who embody the legacy of Terry […]Continue Reading
Registering your child for the upcoming school year
Are you new to Canada with a valid Citizenship & Immigration Canada Work or Study Permit? To begin the eligibility process to register non-fee paying international students, you must book […]Continue Reading
They are SO Hip!
Inspired by Canadian musician Gord Downie and his band, The Tragically Hip, teachers from Parkcrest Elementary and Chaffey Burke launched a collaborative school project to accomplish three goals: 1) […]Continue Reading
Burnaby South “Solves for Tomorrow”
The future will be inspired by students who are proficient in STEM subjects – and Samsung is helping engage students in STEM with its “Solve for Tomorrow” Challenge. Burnaby […]Continue Reading
End of the School Year
As we approach the end of the school year, we want to thank you for your support of Burnaby’s public schools. The year has been an exceptional one, once […]Continue Reading
Head of the Class 2017
So proud to see a number of Burnaby Schools faces in The Province newspaper’s annual “Head of the Class 2017” high school round-up. Congrats to Burnaby Central’s, Joel Harrison, who […]Continue Reading
Science In Everyday Life Videos
The District’s “Science in Everyday Life” Video Contest encourages students to take a deeper look at the science around them through student inquiry, creative and critical thinking, and communication. […]Continue Reading
Provincial Track and Field Stars
At the provincial track and field event held in Langley last week a number of District students led the packs. Burnaby Mountain’s Hannah Vorell picked up silver in the Grade […]Continue Reading
Coexist with Wildlife? There’s an App for That
A couple of techno-loving, entrepreneurial young ladies at Cameron Elementary have merged their love of wildlife with a way to keep both wildlife and people safe. Collaborating with Wildsafe BC […]Continue Reading
Moscrop Tops Fryer Math Contest
Results for the Grade 9 International Fryer Math Contest are in and students at Moscrop have plenty to be proud of. Moscrop was ranked #1 in Canada and tied […]Continue Reading
Burnaby’s Got Talent
Burnaby students displayed talent beyond their years and essentially raised the roof of the MJ Fox Theatre at the 2017 Burnaby’s Got Talent event. The top four finalists included vocalist Linn Rosa Meyer […]Continue Reading
Supporting Safe & Caring Schools
When students feel welcome, supported, respected and safe they are more engaged in learning. Burnaby School District remains committed to creating cultures of belonging in our schools by providing […]Continue Reading
“Ask me what I’m reading?”
Burnaby School District’s secondary school “Reads” programs are school-wide initiatives designed to inspire students and staff to read and talk about great books. If you have some reading time on your hands, consider […]Continue Reading
Alpha’s “Promject” Benefits Aplenty
Ecole Alpha’s leadership class took on a new fundraising efforts this year under the direction of PE/Leadership teacher Tammy Wirick. After collecting donations of grad attire they offered them up for sale to interested […]Continue Reading
Parent Input Sought on Reporting Process
The Ministry of Education is seeking parent input with regards to student reporting for the redesigned curriculum. The ultimate goal is to develop a student reporting process that gives families […]Continue Reading
Discover Career Education
Burnaby School District’s Career Education Programs provide the opportunity for students in grades 11 & 12 to gain knowledge and skills that can lead to industry certification, apprenticeship, and […]Continue Reading
Snow and Ice Removal Continues
The safety of students and staff is always our priority. While this long stretch of cold winter weather has created its challenges, our facilities teams have been out in […]Continue Reading
A Stuttering Superhero Is Born
South Slope/BC School for the Deaf students welcomed their very own resident author, Secretary Kim Block to a recent school assembly. Her self-published children’s book “Adventures of a Stuttering […]Continue Reading
Drama Empowers Youth to Combat Racism
Grade 10 English students at Byrne Creek Community School are learning how to stamp out discrimination through active learning. Using a program called Voices into Action, the students are […]Continue Reading
A Winning Team
Teachers in Burnaby School District’s LINC program have won another award. This time it’s first place in the cross-Canada-CCLB “Language is the Key” contest in the category teacher/administrator. Additionally, […]Continue Reading
Parent Input Sought on Reporting Process
The Ministry of Education is seeking parent input with regards to student reporting for the redesigned curriculum. The ultimate goal is to develop a student reporting process that gives families […]Continue Reading
International Students Enrich Learning for All
International students from 37 countries provide global perspectives that enrich the learning experience for everyone in our Burnaby Schools. Minister of Education Mike Bernier was at Byrne Creek Community School […]Continue Reading
Program Serves up Coffee While Building Community
Students in Byrne Creek Community School’s Access Program are an integral part of the school community – filling coffee orders for staff and delivering. They do it all, take […]Continue Reading
Parent Input Sought by MOE for Student Reporting
The Ministry of Education is seeking parent input with regards to student reporting for the redesigned curriculum. The ultimate goal is to develop a student reporting process that gives families […]Continue Reading
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Inman Elementary School music teacher Janet Nordstrand is this year’s recipient of the BC Music Educators’ Association award for outstanding professional education in elementary music. An elementary school music […]Continue Reading
University Highlands to Expand
MLA Richard T Lee on behalf of Education Minister Mike Bernier announced recently that a $3.9 million expansion of University Highlands Elementary will address the growing need for an additional 195 […]Continue Reading
International Program receives STAR Award
Study Travel magazine is a leading voice in the international education sector. They work with a variety of organizations and institutions, such as language schools, high schools, colleges and universities. Annually, education […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Literacy Program Wins Award
On International Literacy Day (Sept 8) in 2016, the District learned that the National Council of the Federation had awarded our LINC Program (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) a BC Literacy Award. It […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Grads Making a Difference
Finding a solution for the at-risk and homeless population to access basic services that having a phone provides was the task at hand. And two community entrepreneurial leaders, who […]Continue Reading
Sound Wave Opens International Symposium
Twelve students who play in the Burnaby School District Handbell ensemble, Sound Wave, played at the opening of the international Handbell Symposium in Vancouver this summer. Under the direction of […]Continue Reading
Registration Information for Fall 2016
Just moved to Burnaby or interested in registering your child into a Burnaby public school for the Fall of 2016? Find out what school your child should attend by […]Continue Reading
Our Brightest Lights
The Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence has honoured exceptional elementary and secondary school teachers since 1993.Recipients are recognized for their remarkable achievements in education and for their commitment […]Continue Reading
NASA Hones in on Talent of Burnaby Elementary Student
There were 996 entries received from 23 countries competing in the NASA Ames Space Settlement Contest but the work submitted by Thidas Loku Bogahawattage, a grade 6 student at […]Continue Reading
Moscrop Secondary Makes Mark on the World
Waterloo’s Fermat Contest is an opportunity for grade 11 students to have fun and to develop their mathematical problem solving ability. Interested students wrote the test in February – […]Continue Reading
Truth and Reconciliation
Burnaby North Secondary recently celebrated Aboriginal culture and history as part of their annual Day of Truth and Reconciliation. It was also a day of learning for students and staff alike, and featured […]Continue Reading
District Students Excel at Skills BC
The Skills BC Competition showcases the top secondary & post-secondary students in a variety of vocations & trades. Over 7000 people attended the show in April. Congratulations to Burnaby […]Continue Reading
Gene Researcher for a Week
Zeynab Asadi Lari, a grade 12 student from Alpha, was one of 50 students nationally selected to participate in the “Gene Researcher For A Week” Program during Spring break. This […]Continue Reading
Flying Hands
Students and staff at the BC Provincial School for the Deaf at South Slope Elementary School will be heading to Vancouver, Washington just prior to spring break to participate in […]Continue Reading
Race Matters
Last weekend, in recognition of Black History Month, Burnaby Mountain Secondary, in partnership with the National Congress Black Women’s Foundation put together an impressive day-long conference entitled Race Matters. […]Continue Reading
Play to Learn Open Houses
Parents of 3-5 year olds, join us for a fun and interactive session exploring a variety of learning activities and enjoy a performance by Children’s Performer Will Stroet. Talk […]Continue Reading
Governor General’s Academic Medal Recipients
We are proud to recognize Burnaby School District’s 2015 recipients of the Governor General’s Academic Medal. The award is given to the graduate with the highest average at each […]Continue Reading
A Perfect Score
Daphne Patterson, a 2015 Burnaby Mountain graduate knows micro-economics. Her performance on her AP Micro-Economics exam was so superior that it falls into a select category. Besides receiving a […]Continue Reading
Burnaby CCE’s Winter/Spring Offerings
Are you seeking a way to graduate from high school? Learn English? Or perhaps explore a new skill or train for a new career? Whatever your goal is, we’re […]Continue Reading
Head of the Class
The BCAMT (BC Association of Mathematics Teachers) annually recognizes outstanding teachers in BC. Recently they singled out one of Burnaby’s finest, Daryl Goeson, Burnaby North’s Math Department Head. He […]Continue Reading
Governor General Academic Medal Recipients 2014/15
For over 125 years, the Governor General Academic Medals have been awarded to graduates who have received the highest average in their high school, college or university program. Pierre Trudeau, Tommy Douglas, and […]Continue Reading
Inspiring Excellence in Burnaby’s Public Schools
Public Education means that every child is given the opportunity to learn and to be inspired to reach their potential. People like Jacqueline Shen who was an integral leader of […]Continue Reading
Honouring Aboriginal Traditions
Brentwood Park Elementary staff, students and parents all have a deeper understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal customs and traditions since artist in residence Jackie Timothy arrived in February 2015. […]Continue Reading
Student Advocates for Youth Involvement in Health
A manuscript written by Burnaby North student Aki Ediriweera has just been published in the October issue of the Canadian Journal of Public Health. His thought provoking piece was on […]Continue Reading
Lessons in Democracy
All Burnaby secondary school students have been learning about federal election issues – and will head to the polls in a “Student Vote” mock election next week. A national program, “Student Vote” engages […]Continue Reading
Nobel Prize Winner Kicks Off District Speaker Series
The District’s Science and Trailblazer Speaker Series, brings in top scientists from Canada and the US. The first session last week at Burnaby South captured the interest of 60 District […]Continue Reading
Clinton Elementary Recognizes Orange Shirt Day
The origins of Orange Shirt Day came from an elder remembering the new orange shirt she’d picked out for the first day of residential school and how it was […]Continue Reading
Best High School Yearbook Ever!
Each year, hundreds of schools across North America enter their yearbook into the American Scholastic Press Association Contest. Scoring yearbooks on a point system, they receive a FIRST, SECOND, or THIRD […]Continue Reading
One to One Literacy Helps Create Readers
A reading program that provides extra support for struggling readers is making a difference in several Burnaby Schools. The program matches reading volunteers with individual students who together enjoy some uninterrupted […]Continue Reading
Seismic Upgrades Announced for Two District Schools
Burnaby students, teachers and staff will benefit from seismic upgrades and new classrooms at two District schools, thanks to more than $30 million in funding from the Province’s Seismic Mitigation […]Continue Reading
CLASS of 2015
Grads of 2015 – you make us proud. Enjoy reflecting on the time you’ve spent in school, what lies ahead and some words of inspiration from your class valedictorians. […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Schools Fundraise for Nepal
When the students in many of our schools learned of the devastation of the two earthquakes in Nepal, they wasted no time opening up their hearts and their piggy […]Continue Reading
En Français S’il Vous Plait
The provincial finals of Concours d’art oratoire was held on May 2 at SFU Surrey. There were 240 students competing, including 19 from Burnaby schools. Speaking on a wide […]Continue Reading
Math Mentors Making a Difference
A “math buddies” mentoring program where up to 30 students from Burnaby North visit five elementary schools, after school, is making a difference all around. While the grade 5-7 […]Continue Reading
Burnaby Schools Registration
Do you want to register your child in a Burnaby school for the 2024/25 school year? To determine what your neighbourhood school is (based on your home address), click […]Continue Reading